Chapter 4

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We pulled up to school and everybody was looking at us and I was so scared cause even though hunter was a bad boy he was also the most popular boy in our school and every girl wanted him except my friends they wanted his friends I looked at him and he said that it would be fine he said come sweetness and he got out and came open my door and grab my hand in his and said that they would find out anyway so come on and get it over with and I got out and everybody eyes got big when they saw me with him and hunter its OK sweetness. Hunter looked at everyone and said do y'all have a problem with Sayje been with me and everyone just started going about there business and his 3 friends Ethan Grimes, and the twins Gram and Steven Banks walked up to hunter and ask him who I was  and he told them that I was his girlfriend and they looked at me and said nice and he looked at me and said see they like you and you were worried about nothing and they looked at us like we were crazy and he told them that I thought they were going to get mad at him for being with me and they said no that they happy for hunter cause I was the first girlfriend since his parents passed away 2 years ago and I said really and he said yea and I said cool. I told him that I was going to go to my locker and get my books and he said that's fine and gave me a kiss on my lips  and when I got to my locker my 3 best friends were waiting for me and they saw hunter give me a kiss and he said good morning lady's and they started blushing and they looked at me and laugh and Nicole was the first to say something she said he was hot but I like his friend Steven now that's a sexy mofu and Emma said noh Gram is and Lynn said y'all mofu are crazy cause y'all are so wrong cause Ethan the best looking one of them all. Hunter came up behind me and slips his arms around me and said OK lady's can I have my girlfriend back and they said of course and I ask him if it was OK if my friends could come over after school and he said sure but his friends were going to be there to and I looked at him and said cool cause my friends have a crash on his friends and he said really he ask which one likes who and I told him that nicole likes your friend Steven and Emma likes gram and lynn likes Ethan and he said that we are going to have to do something about that and I said what do you mean and before he could answer the bell rings and he said come on sweetness we are going to be late and he walked me to my math class which I hate cause my teacher is a bitch and he hate me cause my mother would not date him after my dad died.

(********** Flashback *********)
Sayje call 911 why mom cause your dad just fell down the stairs and he is not not moving OK omg 911 what is your emergency mum mum mama I can't help you if you don't tell me what wrong  mum its my dad he fell down the stairs and he is not moving OK ma'ma  what is your address so we can send the ambulance to your house mum mum its 2398 gulfwilson rd LA California 23489 ok they will be there shortly I will stay on the line till the get there OK. OK so tell me how old are you  i am 10 years old ole really well that good that you know your address so where is your mom at she try to wake my dad up and he won't move ok I think I hear the ambulances they are here now ok well I am going let you go ok so remember to stand back and let the do there job ok. Ok click up  ok anyone know how this happen and I said all I know that he fell down the stairs and was not moving
(********** end of flashback **********)

Mum earth to Sayje you just going to stand there or take your set so I can start class and everyone laughs at me except Steven and Emma they have the same math class with me so they know how Mr. Wayne is when it comes to me and it pist Steven off cause he saw the tears in my eyes and I went and sit beside Emma and she gave me a hug and said it was going to be ok cause she knows why he don't like me she don't like it so while Mr. Wayne was teaching the bell rings and I got up to put my books in my bag Mr. Wayne calls me to his desk and said next time you want to daydream doing on your own time or you will get detached ok I said ok and got my stuff and left and hunter was there waiting for me and so was Emma and Steven and they ask me if I way ok and I said yea and hunter looked at me and he said ok sweetness tell me what happen and I told him that Mr. Wayne don't like me cause when my dad passed away he ask my mom out and she turned him down and he has not liked me ever since and he always finds something to get on me about and he looked at Emma and Steven and they nod their heads and said yea it trued he ask me why haven't I told him about it and I said that we only just started dating a day ago and he was like oh yea right I forgot

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