chapter 8

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Hunter's POV

Ok guys we need to come up with a plan that's not going to get any hurt or in trouble and I look at Lewis and he told us that he was undercover and that he been trying to take miles down for 3 years now and I ask him why is it taking so long and he said cause he did not have enough evidence  and I said will he got my girlfriend and Ethan sister is that enough evidence and he said no but that he will help us get them back cause miles thinks that I am on his side and I want him to keep thinking that for now and I said ok so what the plan and said that miles is have a costume party to night and that the girls will be there to entertain  the guest if you know what I mean and they will have on costumes so its going to be hard to know which one which I said no it won't cause  all I have to look in her eyes and I will know its her and he said I hope you are right and I said I will be and he said we can only get Sayje and Erica out tonight and I said that she is not going to want to leave the other girls there and he said that just tell her that we have a plan to get the other girls out and I said ok. Just then I got a text from Sayje asking why Erica thinks that her parents got money from miles for her and I text back and not sure I would found and I told her that we are coming to get her and Erica out tonight that we found it going to be a  costume party and I would be dress as batman and she text and said ok and what about the other girls and I  text saying that we have a plan to get them out to it just won't be tonight but don't worry I won't stop till we get all the girls out ok. So when I looked at ethan and he said what i told him that miles told your sister that he paid your parents for her and he said that's crazy that his parents wouldn't do that they been looking for her all this time and not giving up that she was out there and I said I know man let's get ready to go get my girl and your sister and he said that he wanted dress as Superman that way Erica will see him and I said ok and told him that I text Sayje saying that I was batman and he said cool.

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