Chapter 5

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As I started walking to lunch I heard someone call my name and as soon as I hear his voice I stop and started shaken cause I knew who it was and hunter saw me and ask what was wrong and we turned around and there stood miles and he had a smirk on his face cause he knew was about to happen and he said that I had to go with him and hunter said she is not going anywhere with you and miles said I begged to duffer on that that I own her pretty boy and hunter just lifted his eyes brows up. Miles took out a piece of paper and handed to us to see and sure enough it was a contract with my name on it saying that when I turned 18 that he owned me and it had my moms signature on it I was about to rip it up miles said go ahead I have more then I copy and then hunter said he should keep it cause they may need it an I looked him said what do you mean and he said that he would take care of it and he look at me and miles said you can try but I have a a really good lawyer so that contract is legal and there is nothing you can do about it and hunter said you want to bet and that's when a cop came up to me and said that I had to go with him and made me turned around and he put handcuffs on me and hunter came up to me and whisper in my ear and said for me to with them that he would handle it and kiss my cheek and said he would see me soon and called me sweetness. So I went with them and when we were away from everybody that when miles slapped me and said that what you get for leaving me and he had a look of disgust on his face. Miles took me to my house and my mom was there and she had a black eye and I asked her what happen she looked at a said that he did that to me cause you lifted and I told her that I was sorry that happen to you and but I am not sorry that I left. I asked her why she signed a contract that said that miles owned me and she had the nerve to say that she did not want me but my dad made her have me and so after he dead she could get a rid of me and she told him to take me to his house that I was not welcome there anymore and when I heard that my heart just stopped and I thought i was going to pass out but I didn't so he grabbed me and started pulling me to his car and put in the trunk and i started screaming and he said go ahead no one is going to save you but what he didn't realize is that I had my phone in my pocket and when he closed the trunk I took it out and text hunter and told him what going on and told him that miles was taking me to his house and he text back and said ok and for me to stay safe and don't let miles know that I have a phone only text him if I needed to so I would not waist the battery and he would do everything in his power to get me back. Right before miles open the trunk I put the phone in my bra so he can't find it. He pulled me out and said come on bitch I got plans for you and he dragged me to his house and that when I saw the other girls they looked at me with tears in there eyes and I can tell that they did not want to be there to. He took me to a room and gave me some clothes to put on and said that he owned me now and that I was his maid  and I had to listen to him and I said wanna  bet and he said this is going to be your room now you might want to get used to it cause I was going to be there for a long time. I looked around and saw a bed and a dresser that was it he said you are wounding why I just a bed and dresser in here and I said that I did not care what was in here cause I am not going to be here for long ad he smirk and said we'll see and he left ad I change so I didn't have to deal with him. And I looked around to see if there any camera's but I did not see any so I took my phone out and put under my pillow and then there was a knock on the door and I thought it has him but then I said if it was he prolly just walk in without knocking and then one of the girls that I saw down stairs came in and told me that she is here to take me miles and I asked what was her name and she said it was Erica and I said that's a pretty name and she said thankyou and I ask her how long she been here and she said about 2 years and I said no one is looking for you she said no that my parents gave me to him for a lot of money and I looked at her and told be I was sorry that her and the rest of the girls were make it out of here and she looked at me like I was crazy and i said don't worry my boyfriend has a plan and that I was going to get all of us out and said really but you don't know us and I said well it looks like we can get to know each other while we are here and she smile at me and said that would be nice.

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