Chapter 9

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Sayje POV
I got out the shower and Erica was standing there holding a mask and said that we had to wear them cause miles did not people to see our faces just our eyes and I looked at her and said ok. And I ask her if I told her something would she keep or between us and she said yes and that when I pulled out my phone and show her and ask her if I could take a picture of her and she ask why and i told her that this is how I been keeping touch with my boyfriend and she said why would you want to take my pic for that's when I told her that he was friends with her brother and that they are coming to get up tonight and she said are you sure and I said yea and took her pic and sent it to hunter with the words saying this is Erica and he text back saying ok that he coming as batman and Ethan was going to superman and i told her that Ethan was coming as superman and she laughed saying that knew he come as Superman and I did how and she said that was his favorite super hero when we were growing up and I said cool. I text him saying that me and Erica would have a black dress and a black mask with feathers on it and that we were be standing together and he text back saying ok and that they were on the way. When that text my heart started beating fast and I told her that they were on the way and put the phone in my bra and ask her if there was a way that we could get our with put Miles knowing what was happened and she said yea  and I said ok that when then time was right that she could show us and she said ok but we have to wait till miles was drunk and with some one and I said ok and we got ready and we walked down the stairs and miles was waiting for us and when he saw me he said now that why I want you to be my wife and I said yea in your  dreams and he said if only. And he looked at me with a smirk and said that it going to happen in the next few weeks and I said not if I can help it and he said we will see and I rolled my eyes. When all the people started coming in in he looked at us and said that we better not cause no trouble tonight and he looked at me saying that if I did that I would be sorry when it was over and in looked at him and said you know me all to well and he said that why I am telling you. And just then a guy in a batman suit came in and I looked at his eyes and froze cause I saw the most beautiful ocean blue eyes and I knew it was hunter and a guy with a superman costume walked up beside him and asked him if he sees us yet and he said yes and when he said that Ethan follow his eyes and they were looking at me and Erica and hunter mouth fell open when he saw me and I started walking to him with Erica behind me and miles stops me and says were do you think you are going and I said that just walking around looking at the costumes and to see if there is any one I would like and he said ok but don't do any thing stupid and I said i will be on my best behavior and he said yea right. I walked over to the guy in the Batman costume and said so what brings you here tonight and he said  you and I said aww that's sweet and his eyes lite up and said would you like to go some where private and I said that I have a room up stairs and ask if his friend would like to come to and they said only if your friend behind you would come to and I looked at Erica and ask if she want to come and she said yea and we started to go up the stairs and miles looked at me and smirk and went about his business and we went to my room and I shoved the dresser in front of the door so no one can walk in and then I felt arms go around my waist and pulled off his batman mask and there he stand hunter with a smile on his face and whispers in my ear  damn you look sexy as hell and I just shiver at the sound of his voice and then Ethan clears his throat  and he looked at his sister and said if I knew you were I would have came and got you sooner and she said that was ok your here now and hunter spoke up and said we are not leaving without you and I said that Erica knows how to get out of here with out miles founded out and we looked at her and she said  we have to wait tell miles is drunk and he is with another girl and I said ok. Hunter spoke up and said that we have a car waiting down the road waiting for us and I said ok let's go. I moved  the dresser and we walked out

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