Chapter 1- Of Course I'm Crazy

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"Jungkook, are you going?" Y/N asks as she enters her younger brother's room.

"Don't you know how to knock?" he asks playfully as he turns around to face her.

"Like you ever knock when you come into my room," she responds raising an eyebrow, "Be quick, the car is waiting for you," she responds to him with an unamused voice.

"Seriously I don't get the reason why mom does not allow you to come along," he responds as he wears his boots and then both of them exit his room.

"I know right? Like seriously, did she have to schedule that dance lesson at the same time dad scheduled a visit to the borders?" she asks, annoyance and sarcasm visible in her voice.

"Don't worry, sister, I'll tell you everything I see once we come back," Jungkook assures her and she gives him a smile.

"Can't you snap some pictures as well?" She asks him giving him a pleading look.

"You know that it's not allowed, right?" Jungkook says giving her a strict look.

"I'll give you my set of gold knives if you do," she bargains and instantly Jungkook's face twist into one of shock.

"Really?" he asks and his elder sister nods, "I'll try my best," he says and they give each other mischievous smiles agreeing to the deal they just made.

"You're a good little brother," she comments.

"Princess Y/N! Come prepare to attend your dance lesson!!"

The moment Y/N hears the sweet voice of her maid her face expression gives off discomfort. She doesn't have anything against the maid, it's just that she has to attend a dance lesson.

There's a ball coming up soon and her mother has made sure to have the young Princess perfectly prepared for everything.

Now, you'll wonder; Where the heck is Prince Jungkook going that Y/N so badly wants to tag along?

Well, Prince Jungkook is going to visit the borders; The borders that exist between the Kingdom of Peace and the Kingdom of B.T.S.

Y/N, having been really interested in the history of the extinct Kingdom since a very early age, has been dying to go to the place where those creatures used to live.

Her opinions on the war that took place a hundred years ago and extremely different from what everyone else believes and she's determined to find out more.

However, her parents are aware of her different beliefs about those creatures and are trying to change her mind as much as possible, that is why they decided to schedule her dance lesson at the same time Jungkook would visit the borders.

"Father, please, let me go along with Jungook," she begs for the last time before her brother gets in the car.

"Y/N," her father sighs as he looks at his daughter's pleading eyes, "You know your mother won't approve,"

"Please, you know it will only do me good," Y/N says, trying to convince her father, "You know that as a princess I must know what is going on around my kingdom and especially the borders," she continues using diplomacy as her gun.

"Indeed that is true," the king sighs once again, "However you don't need to go there, you can know what is going on by the reports sent to the castle".

"But still, it is not the same, and how do I know that this person is telling me the truth when I don't check in on him every now and then?" Y/N pulls another metaphoric card from her sleeve and continues the argument with her mother.

I'm Not Who You Think I Am [SPN! Jimin X Reader] (Bangtan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now