Chapter 4- Distractions

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"Again!" Hoseok says loudly asY/N keeps hitting that training doll.

Currently she is outside on the training field, training with Hoseok- basically he is draining her blood out- while Jungkook is with Jimin completing the task that the sergeant gave to his men.

"Aaaaaaarghh," Y/N lets out a frustrated yell as she hits with final punch to the doll's ribs before it collapses to the ground.

You can't say that it was of the newest of strongest training dolls...

"Seriously?" She asks in disbelief as she picks up the hand of the doll and waves it around until she lets it go from her hand and looks at Hoseok awaiting for him to tell her what she should do next.

"Welp...looks like your father has to buy new equipment for this place," Hoseok comments while giving her a smile.

"True...," She sighs thinking that the Kingdom still has many needs and on some things the King and Queen are not able to solve the problems that have followed after the war.

"Can we take a small break before the next exercise?" Y/N asks as she starts feeling the tiredness hitting her muscles, a small five minute break for her to catch her breath wouldn't be bad.

"I told you today's training was going to be extra hard because you missed out yesterday, so...," Hoseok trails off pretending to be contemplating whether he should give her what she wants, but honestly, he already knew the answer before she even managed to finish her suggestion,


"Aaaah," She growls as she hangs her head, " I hate you," Y/N sighs as she looks up again to see how the boys are doing.

"Deep down you love me," Hoseok says giving her a cheeky smile, "Now come on, we have a long way 'till we're done."

"Okay," You take a deep breath, "What are we going to do?" you ask as you place your hands on your hips.

"Combat," Hoseok says as he gets in position, "On three," he says

"One," she hear him say and she get in position.

"Two," he says and she observes his stance trying to predict the way he is going to attack.


Y/N is ready to attack him first, however, she hear the men- that are not that far away from them- yell in triumph. This distracts her and her eyes snap towards that direction and she notices Jimin- by his hair- shirtless, running towards his team, while holding a red flag.

With this opportunity Hoseok finds his chance and throws Y/N to the ground, on her back.

She only realizes that she has landed on the ground once the strong amount of pain hits her entire back and she hisses in reaction.

"You okay?" Hoseok says as he crouches down above her.

"No...," She let out with a squeaky voice.

"Why did you let your guard down? You got distracted. Why?" Hoseok asks as he offers her a hand to get up, "What distracted you, Y/N," he asks as again as she doesn't seem to give him an answer.


"The men that yelled," Y/N answer as she dustes off the dust from her clothes, "Don't you think you were a little bit too much? My back still hurts," shee says as she stretches a little bit.

"Nope," Hoseok responds, "You deserved it anyway, don't let mens abs distract you," Hoseok says as he sees her still looking at Jimin who has now tied the flag around his head and is grabbing his shirt to wear.

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