Chapter 3- Exercise

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"Aaah, my legs," a soldier is heard whining after you finished the training.

"It's so hilarious to see them whine over this... Their training is nothing towards the hell Hoseok puts us through every day," Jungkook mutters as he pats off the sweat of his forehead while following the other soldiers inside with his sister next to him.

"I know right? I can't even feel my muscles burn, what is this?" Y/N gushes realizing that her training with Jung Hoseok --the person who has been training the two siblings for the past three years--is way worse than this sergeant.

"The good thing with staying here is that he won't torture us for a week," Jungkook comments with a smile plastered on his face.

"True, but he'll drain our blood out once we're back," Y/N says destroying the hopeful smile on Jungkook's lips.

"Just enjoy the moment," her brother says as he reaches his room.

"Wait!" she stops him before he goes in, "What are we gonna do now?"

" Shower?" Jungkook asks with irony in his voice, "Didn't you hear the sergeant practically yelled to 'get our buts cleaned and go to the cafeteria'" he continues copying the sergeant's words.

Panic is written in Y/N's eyes as she thinks that there most likely aren't any washrooms for females.

As Jungkook reads her face expression and understands what is troubling her he bursts out laughing.

"Yaaah! Stop laughing!" she punches his chest but he doesn't stop laughing.

"I hate you," she mutters.

"I know, I'm sorry, but your face was hilarious," Jungkook snickers and before he can say anything else the door of his room opens and out steps Jimin.

"Oh hey there, Jimin," Jungkook greets him and Y/N makes a confused face wondering why Jimin came out of Jungkook's room.

"Hey Jungkook," Jimin greets him, informally.

At first it surprises Y/N however she realizes that everyone must view them as equal here so she's happy that their title doesn't seem to desociate everyone from them.

"Hey, Y/N," he says and she gives him a smile in return taking in his features with more attention this time.

She notices he has perfectly shaped eyes with a warm shade of brown coloring his orbs, his lips are plumb and look extremely soft. Now, let alone he's jawline, he simply turns his head to the left to talk to Jungkook and it becomes so distinctive and sharp it looks like anyone would cut their finger if they dared to touch it.

Y/N snaps out of her trace as Jimin speaks up;

"They said something about having pairs for an exercise in the afternoon,"

"Really? How will the pairings go?" Jungkook asks raising an eyebrow, begging that he won't be paired with any jerk that will want to make the Prince's life a hell.

Well, not everyone has the same nice feelings towards the royal family, especially the young adults that are taken over by jealousy and hormones.

"Uh, since the Chief made me your roommate, I guess we'll all be paired up with our roommates," Jimin responds bitting the inside of his cheek.

Jungkook smiles in pleasure as there's a high chance he'll be paired up with Jimin. He met the pink haired man this morning and he really enjoys his company.

"Great!!" Jungkook says but then realizes that his sister must be paired up with someone as well, so she's most likely to have a new roommate as well.

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