Chapter 5- Opinions

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"Ow, Ow, Ow," Y/N and Jungkook whine as they try to sit on the bench at the cafeteria.

"What's wrong with you two?" Jackson asks looking up at the two.

"Jung HoSeok," Y/N growls and she finally sits down.

"Why?" Jimin asks holding his fork and looking up at you.

"He is crueler than ever," she responds.

"I swear he is a demon in disguise," Jungkook comments with a growl.

Jimin actually freezes at his words not having been prepared to hear such phrase so suddenly.

He knows that humans have the tendency to use quotes using the word, ARMY or Demons every time they want to describe something malicious. It hurts him and his pride badly and every time he hears this the urge to just prove that the human race shouldn't disrespect the supernatural like that keeps growing.

"Jungkook, how many times have I told you don't use this phrase," Y/N sighs in annoyance at her younger brother.

"I'm sorry, I just gave nothing else to compare him to," Jungkook sighs.

"Is he that bad that you'd actually compare him to a demon?" Jackson asks raising an eyebrow.

At this conversation Jimin finds himself feeling closed off.

It appears to be harder than he thought. Hearing all this about himself, his race, his subjects,

His own blood.

Even though he has heard many times conversations of such type every time he finds himself incapable of participating because he knows that if he decides to speak he'll give a completely different opinion that could just blow his entire plan away.

So instead he locks himself in his own world and lets the conversation flow without him.

"Why? What's wrong with demons?" Y/N asks, the mood for a debate coming to surface within her.

"What do you mean what's wrong with them?" Jackson asks looking at her confused,

"As a princess you should know more than well what demons have done to our kingdom" Jackson states and gives her a stern look.

Jimin bites his lip in frustration, be wants to beat Jackson up so bad, but he can't let himself get out of character. He needs to know the royal family's opinion on the supernaturals.

He needs to hear it from their own mouth.

He needs to hear how much they hate ARMY,

How much dirty they consider his subjects.

And all just so killing them can become easier for him.

Just Y/N confirming Jackson's opinion will give him enough courage to snap her neck or draw a knife through her heart.

So in order to make Y/N say her- considered- wrong opinion about the B.T.S. Kingdom he decides to join the conversation, even if it hurts him.

"It's true, Demons and those filthy subjects of theirs, they hurt our kingdom so bad," he begins with a hint of disgust in his voice.

But not disgust for his own kind.

Disgust for his own words.

Disgust for calling himself a human.

"I am glad they have gone extinct," he finishes with a satisfied expression on his face.

Y/N sighs in annoyance and drops her fork as she clenches her jaw.

I'm Not Who You Think I Am [SPN! Jimin X Reader] (Bangtan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now