Chris x Girl reader › Jealousy

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Your Pov

I sat in the library at school with my nose shoved into my history text book. It was my study hour and I didn't finish all of my reading for history so I decided to do it now.

Suddenly, my book was snatched from the table. I snapped my head up to see my best friend Ashley holding my book.

"Sup nerd." She teased.

"I'm just trying to finish my homework, cinnamon roll." I teased back.

Ashley laughed at the nickname and put my book back down in front of me.

"You know you should do your homework before the day it's due. I mean you had all weekend to do it." Ashley said, taking a seat next to me.

"I know I know.. I was just... busy." I thought back on my weekend. I had went over to Josh's house on Saturday to play Xbox with him and Chris. Then on Sunday we gathered at Chris's house to play PS4.

"Hanging out with Josh again?" Ashley said with a wink.

"Y-yeah just Josh." I stuttered.

I knew that Ash had a crush on Chris.. but so did I. Since we were best friends I didn't tell her, I sort of implied that I like Josh which was not a smart thing to say because she would always tease me and Josh and he would get really confused.

"Prom is coming up, you should ask him."

"I don't know..."

"I'm going to ask Chris."

When she said that I felt my heart shatter.

"O-oh cool." I struggled to say.

"Is everything okay (y/n)?" Ashley said, clearly confused.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'll be right back though."

I stood up and headed to the bathroom. When I got there I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute until someone walked into the bathroom, causing me to jump. I quickly pretended like I had just finished washing my hands and grabbed some paper towels so I didn't look crazy.

I looked up to see the most popular girl in school, Jessica walk in and start primping in the mirror. Lucky for me, Jess and I were somewhat friends.

"Oh hey Jess." I casually said. Jess jumped, clearly not noticing me before but quickly regained​ her composure.

"Hey (y/n)." Jess greeted before going back to re-applying her lip gloss. I sighed and threw away the paper towels. Jess moved her bangs out of her eyes and fixed her two French braids so they were more secure.

"Something on your mind?" Jess asked, turning her attention to me.

"Just guy troubles." I sighed.

"Want to talk?"

This surprised me, coming from Jessica but I nodded anyways.

"So I like this guy... a lot and I want to ask him to prom but my best friend likes the same guy and she doesn't know I like him. Plus she's planning on asking him to prom."

"Wait. You like Chris??" Jessica responded, slightly surprised.

"Yes? How'd you know?"

"Well everyone knows Ash is your bestie and everyone also knows she's head over heels for Chris." Jessica smirked.

"So what do I do?"

"Ask him first. Duh." Jess said as if it was the simplest thing.

"But Ashley will be devastated!" I protested.

"Let me talk to her, you just worry about Chris." With that, Jessica turned and walked out the door.

I was worried about what Jessica would say to Ashley but I tried not to think about it and found my way back to the library.

Jessica was sitting at a table next to Ashley, talking in a hushed tone. When Ash noticed me, she waved me over. I hesitantly took a seat next to her and said hello.

"(Y/n), why didn't you tell me you liked Chris?" Ashley asked. She didn't seem mad just a little bit upset.

"I'll leave you guys to it." Jessica said, standing up and walking out of the library, swaying her hips as she walked away.

"Because I knew you liked him! I didn't want you to be unhappy, I wanted you to be with your first choice of guy. I really just wanted my bestie happy." I answered​ honestly.

"(Y/n) you need to go for it. I'm not going to get in your way. Me Hannah and Beth can just go as a girl's group. Maybe Sam will join us." Ashley smiled.

"Thank you so much Ashley!" I gushed. I pulled her into a tight hug and ran into the hallway to find Chris. I was finally going to tell him how I felt... Then the next thing I saw made me stop dead in my tracks...

To be continued

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