Matt x girl reader →Destruction

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Okay let me just explain something really quick. In this one shot you're dating Mike and basically taking the place of Jessica in the game. So instead of her being taken by the wendigo it was you. Also you're only dating Mike to make Matt jealous. Hope that clears things up okay byeeee

(Y/n) Pov

My whole body ached. I felt as if I could barely move. My eyes fluttered open carefully and I scanned my body. My legs had deep red gashes all over, from an unknown cause. Some were still bleeding. My stomach had bite marks on it that were excruciating. My arms were covered in dark bruises and several deep scratches.

What the hell happened to me?

I remember going up to the guest cabin with Mike... then something chasing us. Right... Then when we finally got to the cabin Mike started trying to make moves on me.. then the next thing I know I'm being dragged through the snow and woods by some creature with Mike trying to rescue me.

I groaned and slowly stood up, despite the pain. My heart beat quickened as I thought about the monster. Was it still nearby? I needed to escape.

I grabbed a coat that was laying next to me and pulled it over my mostly naked self to provide some comfort and warmth.

I began to search frantically for some sort of exit but it looked like I had fallen down an elevator shaft into some sort of abandoned mines. I headed down the path that went right and hoped it was some sort of exit.

Then, I heard some sort of noise coming from the path. My eyes went wide and I searched for something to defend myself with, finding a nearby shovel.

I slowly crept forward, trying to be as quiet as possible. I saw a figure hunched over a bench. I couldn't see what it was doing or if it was even human due to the darkness so I continued my silent walk until I was right behind it.

Once the thing turned around I closed my eyes and swung the shovel as hard as I could. My eyes shot back open when I realized my shovel had been grabbed mid-swing. I was filled with relief when I realized the "thing" was actually Matt. I almost fell over but Matt was quick to catch me.

"(Y/n)! Oh my God! What happened to you? Are you okay!?" Matt yelled with worry.

I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a weird sound. I cleared my throat and replied. "I-i was t-taken by s-something." Matt's eyes went wide and he wrapped his arm around me protectively.

"C'mon let's get you out of here."

Matt helped me walk as we searched for a way out of the mines. We came across the broken elevator shaft that I fell down and he inspected it.

"Whoa... It looks like the whole thing collapsed..." He observed.

"T-that was me..." I whispered. "I f-fell from there." My throat ached with each word, but I pushed through it.

"Oh God... I'm so sorry (y/n)." Matt turned and looked at me when sadness and pain in his eyes but I turned away.

"It's... fine..." I struggled.

We continued to walk forward in the mines, hoping we were heading towards an exit. That's when I heard it... the terrifying screech of the monster that dragged me down here in the first place.

"M-matt?" I gazed up at his face, his expression was unreadable and I began to quiver with fear.

"L-lets just keep moving." Matt's grip on my shoulders tightened and he began to walk quicker.

"Matt... I-i need to tell you something. In case w-we.... don't make i-it out of here." I began as tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of dying.

"Don't say that (y/n).We're going to be fine." Matt seemed unsure of his own words, as if he was trying to convince himself.

"Matthew. P-please let me speak." He cringed when I used his full name. Matt ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Go ahead." He encouraged.

"M-matty... I-i love you.. I always have. I was only d-ating Mike to m-make you jealous. I-ve always wanted to b-be with you." At this point I had begun crying and Matt pulled me in to a delicate hug.

"I've always loved you too (y/n). The first day we met I fell for you. But it's too late to do anything about these feelings now."

Just then, I heard the monster screech yet again. This time much closer than it previously was.

"Matt go! L-leave me!" I cried.

"What? I can't leave you!" Matt yelled in disbelief.

"P-please Matt l-let me do this!" I weakly pushed at his chest but he wouldn't budge. Suddenly, Matt grabbed my wrists and pulled me in to a gentle but urgent kiss. For those few seconds I forgot of all my injuries and the peril we were in but it was over too soon.

"(Y/n)... I-" He cut himself off. "I don't want to lose you." Matt let a single tear fall down his cheek, not bothering to wipe it away.

"Matty, if you love me, then go." I said without stuttering. Matt looked in to my eyes, seeing my determination and nodded slowly. I gave him one last passionate kiss and shoved him towards the exit.

He gave me one last longing look... and then took off running.

I cried as I heard something crawl up behind me. I knew it was the monster and I knew I was going to die. I turned around quickly and was met with the sight of a hideous creature.

"You want me!?" I screamed trying to sound brave. "Come get me!"

I barely got the words out before the monster pounced on me. I screamed in pain as it bit at my flesh, tearing chunks of skin off of my body and devouring them. The creature plunged two fingers down my throat, ceasing my screaming. It proceeded to pull down, ripping the skin of my cheeks. It kept pulling until finally, my jaw came clean off.

I could feel myself dying and so I finally closed my eyes and let myself drift away into peaceful nothingness.

Until dawn one shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat