Sam x Boy reader →Math class

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Your Pov

I pulled my black hoodie over my head and tried to focus on the paper in front of me. My head was killing me and I still had hours of school left. My current subject was Math. Also my least favorite and worst. The only reason I liked this class was because my crush Samantha would help me out acasionally.

I had only known her for a few months but I feel in love almost instantly. She had the most beautiful blonde hair and captivating hazel eyes. Her lips looked so soft, I wanted to kiss them all day.

"Mr. (L/n)!" My teacher sudden snapped at me, clearly noticing I wasn't paying attention. "Why don't you come up here and solve this problem for us?"

I gulped and frowned, muttering and okay under my breath along with a few other things I shouldn't repeat.

I pulled my hood back down as I approached the white board. I stared at the complicated and confusing problem written in front of me. I took the expo marker in my shaking hand and held my breath. I honestly didn't know why the teacher hated me so much, but the feeling was very mutual.

After about 30 seconds of staring at the board I glanced at the teacher to see him smirking at me.

"What is your problem?!" A voice suddenly spoke up from the back of the class. "You really have to make other people feel bad about themselves to feel better? Why don't you make life easier rather than harder! It's already hard enough without people like you!"

I turned to see Sam, standing up in her chair, fuming. The teacher stood flabbergasted as Sam came and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the hall. Without a word we both walked out of the school.


"Hey Sam?" I finally spoke after about a half hour of walking down the road to my house, waiting for Sam to cool off.

"Yes, (y/n)?" Sam said with a slightly seductive tone.

"Thanks for what you did back there. It really meant a lot."

"It's no problem."

We reached my house and I remembered that both of my parents would still be at work at this time of the day.

"Do you maybe want to come in and chill for a bit?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Sam considered my offer for a minute but then finally answered me. "Yeah sure, that sounds like fun." She said with a wink.

I smiled and led her into my house. I guided her to my room and shut the door behind us. I glanced at the floor and blushed bright red when I noticed all of the underwear that were still strewn about the room.

"Oh jeez I'll just uh.. Pick that up." I stated awkwardly as I began to frantically pick up my clothes.

Sam just giggled at me and it was honestly the cutest thing I had ever heard. Once I had finished I turned to face Sam, who was leaning on my wall staring at me with an intense look.

"What?" I questioned, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Nothing you're just adorable." Sam said bluntly. I smirked and walked closer to where she stood.

Once I reached her, I put my arms on either side of her head and stared into her glowing eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Sam asked in a whisper.

"Yes, Sam?" I said, matching her tone from earlier.

"Kiss me?"

She didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly closed the gap between us and savored the sweet taste of her lips that still had some cherry ChapStick left on them. The kiss was soft and gentle and sweet at first but then it quickly turned into a heated make out session.

Sam jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist and I quickly caught her. Without disconnecting our lips I pinned her on my bed and roamed her body with my hands.

I broke the kiss to whisper breathlessly in her ear.

"I love you Sam."

She smirked in reply and looked me in the eyes.

"Prove it then."

And for the next hour that's exactly what I did.


Yikes this is bad

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