Eight ~ Cornered

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A/N: the song above is White Lies by the Lumineers. It didn't inspire the story (I thought the story before I actually knew the song existed) but it did inspire the title, if you hadn't guessed already;) I think it fits the story really well . . . But maybe I'm just imagining it. . . Either way it's an amazing song I doubt you'll regret listening to :)

What with the relentless Quidditch training going on, Aggie felt like she never got to see her best friend anymore.

Straight after class Edith had headed down to the Quidditch pitch leaving Aggie alone, and alone was the last thing Aggie wanted to be. She'd seen Draco Malfoy several times that day, but as of yet he seemed not to have noticed her. Aggie was hoping it would stay that way.

Some passing students stared at Aggie oddly as she hurried down the hall at a much faster speed than anyone else. Some passing Gryffindors cast her odd looks. Aggie blushed but tried not to be bothered by it. She had to get to the Ravenclaw common room, once she was there she would be in the clear and could relax.

Suddenly a hand slammed down on the wall Aggie was walking along, just in front of her face. Aggie stumbled to a stop, and swallowed hard as she looked at the pale hand and robed arm blocking her path.

Slowly and tremulously Aggie looked up and sideways. Draco Malfoy stood there, glaring down at her with his sharp gray eyes. The anger etched across his face was terrifying. Aggie felt the panic rise to her cheeks, spreading into a darker blush than before.

"What were you doing in the Room of Requirement?" Malfoy demanded. His eyes were narrowed as he searched her face.

"I didn't- I don't- I wouldn't-" Aggie stammered artlessly. She found herself backing into the wall. "- I wasn't-"

"I saw you," snarled Malfoy in a low voice. Aggie looked behind him, desperately hoping someone would come to her rescue, but the hallway was empty. "What were you doing there? What were you doing with that cabinet?"

"I-I-I saw you," said Aggie, her eyes wide in fear, "You were doing a bad job fixing it- I mean, you failed- I mean-"

Suddenly Malfoy raised his wand and pointed it straight at her.

"If you go in that room again, I will curse you with in an inch of your life," Malfoy hissed.

Aggie let out a squeak.

"Do you understand me?"

Aggie nodded hurriedly.

"Good," snarled Malfoy.

He drew away, turned and stalked off, leaving Aggie clinging to the wall as if for protection.

Malfoy's threat was barely necessary. As soon as he'd cornered her Aggie had made up her mind never to go back there again. It hurt though, the Room of Requirement was the one place she could retreat to be alone. It'll hurt more when that Slytherin boy is casting unforgivable curses on you, Aggie reminded herself. Of course she had no reason to suspect Malfoy would be quite that violent, but in her fear she was subject to irrational thinking. Besides, according to Edith, the boy came from a bad family.

Still trembling slightly, Aggie headed up to the common room. She settled down in a secluded corner of the tidy, sleek common room to struggle through some homework.

Her parents had always praised Aggie as a child, telling her she was very intelligent. Aggie had believed them- until she got to Hogwarts and found herself failing in all her classes, despite being sorted into the "smart house".

Her parents told her the reason she didn't do that well in school was because her parents had raised her to learn on her own rather than under the instruction of others. This was probably true. Aggie's father was a Wizard, while her mother was a muggle, and they had both decided to homeschool Aggie rather than send her to Muggle school in her pre- Hogwarts years. The two parents allowed their only child to roam about as she pleased and take part in whatever adventures her heart desired. Aggie didn't learn to read until she was nine years old, but she already knew how to replace a cars muffler, and mend a torn electricity wire by then.

As happy a childhood as Aggie had lived, sometimes she wished she was more used to actual school. Maybe then she'd actually be able to keep up in class.

Aggie yawned as she flipped wearily through her potions book. Suddenly her shoulders were grabbed from behind.

"Ah!" Aggie gasped and whirled around in her seat.

Edith stood right behind her. The curly haired girl let out an obnoxious guffaw of laughter. She was holding her broom in one hand, and was covered in mud. Aggie looked at her reproachfully.

"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" Aggie said.

"Sneak up?" Edith snorted. "I've been calling your name forever you didn't hear me!" Edith plopped her muddy self down beside Aggie. "What's on your mind?"

"I-" Aggie said. She found herself two second away from telling Edith everything about Malfoy and the Room of Requirement, but she stopped herself at the last moment. Edith was busy with Quidditch. She didn't need Aggie's problems on her plate as well.

"I was just thinking about homework is all," said Aggie, with a tight smile.

"Ah," said Edith, she picked up Aggie's potions book. "I understand."

"Frazier, how was practice?" someone called as the dormitory door swung open.

Both girls looked around to see Frazier Swarthy enter the common room, looking even more muddy and bedraggled than Edith.

Aggie watched as the two of them made eye contact across the room.

"Not to great,"said Frazier, much louder than was necessary, "our new beater is complete rubbish-"

Almost everyone in the common room turned to look at Edith, whom they knew Frazier was speaking of. Aggie shrunk into the shadows, not at all eager to be noticed.

Edith was not riled by Frazier's comment. She just folded her arms across her chest and smirked at Frazier with confidence.

"You're only mad because I knocked you off your broom with a bludger," said Edith with satisfaction.

"Well . . . You're not supposed to attack your own team mates-" Frazier began to bluster.

"Oh what's that?" said Edith loudly, as she cupped her hand over her ear, "Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of you grumbling as you get out of the mud."

Everyone laughed and Frazier scowled at Edith.

"Whatever, Norwood," Frazier said, he turned and stormed toward the dormitories.

"Ooh, good come back," Edith called after him with a smirk.

Aggie only gave a faint smile as Edith turned back to her.

"Don't you think there's enough war going on?" Aggie blurted without thinking.

Edith gave a little laugh. "What?" she asked.

Aggie looked to her feet. "I just meant- you know- with the war going on and all, against You-Know-Who an all, well maybe you should stop tormenting Frazier so. We should all really try and stick together."

"But tormenting Frazier's the only joy I have in life!" joked Edith, her grin faded when she saw Aggie' face. "Oh come on Agnes, lighten up!"

Aggie continued to look at her shoes. Edith sighed and moved to her friends sighed. She put her arm around Aggie's shoulder.

"Don't worry Aggs, the war will be over before we know it, and more than likely it won't effect our lives in anyway."

Aggie could only hope Edith was right.

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