Twelve ~ Detention

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It was a long few days for Aggie from Monday to Saturday. Naturally it didn't take long for the teachers to realize Edith was actually missing, which meant interrogations all around.

All of the girls from her dormitory were brought in for questioning.

Aggie was quite terrified when Professor Flitwick brought her up to Dumbledores office on Friday evening.

"Miss Seki," said Dumbledore pleasantly as she entered his office. "Won't you sit down?"

Aggie looked about her in wonder as she reluctantly took the seat across from the white bearded Professor who was seated at his desk. She'd never been in his office before, and she found the odd instruments scattered about the room quite fascinating.

"You like my instruments, I take it?" said Dumbledore, noticing her gaze.

Aggie blushed, then nodded.

"I used to have a quite a few," said Dumbledore, "But some were destroyed last year." He smiled as he said this. He pushed a bowl towards her filled with wrapped candies. "Lemon drop?"

"No thank you," Aggie murmured.

"Now," said Dumbledore with a sigh, "I am sure you know why I called you here tonight?" Aggie nodded. "Yes, to discuss your friend Edith. Do you have any idea where she might be?"

Aggie found herself suddenly squirming under the Professor's piercing blue gaze.

"N-no, Professor," Aggie said, looking down at her hands in her lap.

It was just a little white lie. In truth, Aggie didn't know for a fact where Edith was as the girl had not wrote yet. But Aggie was hoping with all her heart that the girl was safe at home.

"Perhaps it would be best if it remained that way."

Aggie looked up quickly. Dumbledore was smiling at Aggie in a way that said he knew exactly where Edith had gone, and he wasn't actually about to try and find her.

"Alright, you may go," said Professor Dumbledore.

Aggie got to her feet, and was halfway across the room when an idea occurred to her.

She turned back to Dumbledore. In a spurt of boldness she blurted, "Professor, do you still have those broken instruments?"

Dumbledores eyebrows rose. "Well yes I do."

"Could I have them?" Aggie asked.

"Of course," said Dumbledore. He bent over and emerged from beneath his desk with a cardboard box. "Here you are."

Aggie moved back over to the desk. She peered into the box to see a collection various metal pieces. She took the box in hand and smiled at the Headmaster.

"Thank you," she said.

"It was my pleasure. Do enjoy yourself," said Dumbledore with a wink. "If you ever finish whatever you are doing with them, don't hesitate to show me."

Aggie nodded. She left the room, thinking to herself that Dumbledore was a very pleasant man.

Saturday morning, October 12th, arrived cold and stormy, but without a letter from Edith.

Aggie felt quite dismal as she prepared for detention with McGonagall by pulling on a warm jumper.

The other girls in the dormitory- Margo, Tanya and Peppy- were all in a flurry getting ready to go into Hogsmeade.

Aggie had always enjoyed going into Hogmeade, despite all the people. Her and Edith had always managed to enjoy themselves, whether by getting hot butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, or taking a walk down to the shrieking shack, it didn't really matter.

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