Forty Four ~ Nothing

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"Aggie, what do you keep smiling about?"

Aggie jumped as Margo whispered to her across her desk. She hastily arranged her facial features into one appropriate for the boredom of History of Magic.

"Nothing," she said.

Margo raised her eyebrows, clearly not convinced, but she didn't have time to pester Aggie in the middle of class.

Truth was Aggie was feeling things she'd never felt before. They weren't the happy little fluttery feelings in her stomach she used to feel when she looked at Max Brady. It was an excitement and nervousness so intense she felt like she might vomit.

She also felt confused. Should she have seen this coming? Should she have recognized the feelings she felt toward Draco? Should she have realized he possibly felt the same way?

After her last class of the day, Aggie was both excited and scared to see Draco after what had happened. They had not spoken yet, but Aggie assumed they would be meeting in the Room of Requirement that afternoon like usual.

Aggie entered the room, school bag slung over her shoulder, her hair tied with a blue bow and saw Draco busying himself over the pensieve.

He looked around as she entered. Her face turned red. That was not surprisingly. What was surprising was that Draco's cheeks looked slightly flushed as well. Or was Aggie imagining it?

"Hi," said Aggie in a faint voice.

"Hello," said Draco a bit stiffly. He turned away. 

Aggie waited for him to say more.

"I've already got a memory ready," said Draco, gesturing down at the pensieve.

Aggie's shoulders slumped in disappointment. Wasn't he going to say anything about what had happened yesterday? Or were they going to pretend like it had never happened?

"Are you ready?" asked Draco when she failed to react to his statement.

"What? Oh, yes."

Aggie put down her school bag and went to stand beside the boy. Why was she suddenly so aware of both the closeness and the space between them?

Aggie and Draco entered a memory in which Raymond expressed to Fay the importance of keeping the cabinet a secrete from their parents.

When they returned Aggie said, "I suppose we should try the cabinet?"

Draco nodded. Aggie could tell by the look in his eyes his hopes were about as low as her own.

It was the usual routine. Aggie went in and found herself in the familiar attic bedroom.

However Raymond was no where in sight. This was strange since it was his memory.

Aggie knew what the real test was. If she went through the door and was able to walk downstairs, then the portal was formed. They would be able to get in and out of Borgin and Burke's.

Aggie strode toward the door. She pulled it open and stared down at a long flight of steps. She took a deep breath, and lowered her foot down, eyes squeezed closed.

Her eyes flew open as her foot met solid ground.

"It worked," Aggie breathed. "It worked!"

Without bothering to go all the war down the stairs, Aggie turned and left the cabinet.

"Draco," she said, hopping out. "Draco! It worked!"

Draco stared at her.

"I-it worked?" He said, stunned.

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