Nine ~ Murder

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As September turned into October, Aggie did her best to give both Draco Malfoy and the Room of Requirement a wide berth.

The boys dark glares seemed to follow her around where ever she went. To say it unnerved the girl would've been an understatement, but she tried to ignore it to the best of her abilities.

On the night of October 5th something happened that drove all Aggie's own troubles far out of her mind.

All the girls in their dorm were fast a sleep when a screech broke Aggie from her dreams. The screech sounded like that of Edith. Aggie shot up in bed, looking around the dark room in panic.

There was a flash of light as Edith's voice yelled, "Stupify!"

Aggie scrambled to turn on the light as there was the thump of someone hitting the floor.

With the room lit, Aggie looked around in bewilderment. Edith was sitting up in bed, her hair sticking out in curly frizz this way and that. Her wand was pointing at the space between their bed's.

Edith looked up and met Aggie's eyes.

"There was someone standing by my bed!" Edith said.

Slowly both girl's looked down at the floor, the sight that greeted their eyes made Aggie gasp. There lay Padma Patil, her eyes wide. Edith's spell had clearly met it's mark as the girl's body was completely still.

"Oops!" said Edith. "Well, serves her right for going to the Yule Ball with Ron Weasley."

"Edith!" Aggie gasped.

"I'm just kidding, I'll fix her!"

Edith slipped her pajamaed legs out from beneath the blankets and quickly performed the counter jinx. The girl immediately began to stir, then, upon seeing Edith, she jumped to her feet.

"Sorry Padma-" Edith started, but Padma interrupted.

"Edith, I came in here because Professor Flitwick sent me up here to get you, he said he need's to talk to you," said Padma.

Edith put her hands up in defense. "I didn't do it!"

"You're not in trouble," said Padma quickly, "it's about- its about-" the girl stumbled over her words, "it's about your father."

Aggie watched Edith's cheeks drain of all color as she stared at Padma. Fear filled her hazel eyes, but a moment later it was replaced by defiance. Edith crossed her hands over chest.

"My father is fine," Edith said defiantly.

By this time the other girl's in the dorm were stirring.

"What's going on?" asked Margo, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes.

Aggie ignored her as Padma began to plead with Edith.

"Edith, please, listen to me-"

"I don't want to hear any of the lies you have to say about my father," said Edith.

"Edith, Professor Flitwick is waiting down stairs, he needs you to come talk to him!" said Padma, in a strained voice.

"Fine," said Edith, hopping off her bed with a flounce of her messy hair, "I will go talk to him, and tell him my father is fine."

Edith stormed across the room. Padma cast Aggie a helpless glance, before following.

Aggie sat in her bed, anxiously twisting her hands together as she watched her best friend leave the room. Aggie knew she should be by her friends side, for comfort, but Aggie's cowardly soul couldn't bare the thought of hearing whatever news Flitwick had to tell.

"Aggie? What's wrong?" Margo asked.

Aggie tried to speak, but couldn't. All that came out was a small choking noise. Aggie just shook her head. Margo just shrugged at the reaction.

Aggie had been at the Norwood's home only a little while ago in August. It was Aggie's first time there, and she had met all of Edith's family.

Despite Aggie's discomfort amongst most people, she had quickly relaxed amongst the Norwood family, although Mr Norwood had taken a bit longer than everyone else.

They were a unique bunch, they had to be, they were Edith's family after all.

Mrs Norwood, who insisted Aggie call her by her first name, Daysi, was a scatter brained muggle-born woman obsessed with her garden, and was very kind and welcoming to Aggie.

Edith's three little brothers, Basil, Norberto, and Zeus, were all fun, adventurous and friendly, and Aggie had taken a liking to them immediately.

Zeus Norwood Senior was a different matter. At first Aggie had been terrified of the large, tall, bearded man. He was loud spoken and rather harsh with his children. He made them do numerous chores, which he made Aggie help with, and even sent them out into the woods one day with their wands to do some hunting.

Edith explained that her father mainly raised them, as her mother was busy with her tomato plants and herbs, and he had an interesting teaching method. He believed children should be exposed  to the real world, and build character through hard work.

But soon Aggie learned that, despite his  tough exterior, he had a soft spot for his children and wife. And he treated Aggie as one of his own, rather than making her feel like an awkward, outsider for which she was grateful. All in all, Aggie had grown to quite like the man . . . although she was still slightly scared of him.

As Aggie sat there staring at the doorway where Edith had disappeared through, she hoped with all her heart that Mr Norwood was alright.

It seemed she waited an eternity before Edith came marching back into the dormitory, but finally she did.

As soon as Aggie caught a glimpse of the girl approaching, she jumped from her bed and ran to her friend.

However when Aggie saw Edith's face, she stopped short. Her eyes were red, her fists were clenched, and rage was clearly written across her features.

"E-Edith?" Aggie faltered, "W-what did Professor Flitwick say?"

When Edith spoke her voice was quite calm, and Aggie immediately knew Edith was doing what she always did, covering up negative emotions.

"He said my father was murdered."

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