Twenty Eight ~ Magic

46 7 12

A/N: this chapter is dedicated to
QuotesofTaboo Thanks so much for reading and voting and commenting on this story! Sorry it took so long for me to update again!

Pensieve, portkey, apparition, flue-powder.

All the different ways of magical transportation swirled through Aggie's mind as she sat in Transfiguration class, her chin in her hand. The afternoon sun came spilling on to her pale face.

It was several days after Aggie and Malfoy's late night in the library. Since then the Ravenclaw and the Slytherin has been on a search to find type of magical transportation they could use in the Room of Requirement.

But no matter how hard Aggie thought, she could think of nothing that would work.

"Miss Seki. Miss Seki."

Something stepped in front of the sun, leaving Aggie in shadows. Aggie jumped as she realized it was Professor McGonagall standing in front of her, a stern expression upon her face, and a stack of books hugged to her chest.

Aggie gulped as she looked up at her strict teacher.

"Miss Seki, are you aware that class is over?" asked McGonagall.

Aggie blushed and immediately began scrambling for her supplies.

"I'm sorry professor! I guess I wasn't paying attention-"

"I would say not."

"I'll be gone in a few seconds."

"Well don't go too fast," said Professor McGonagall. She watched Aggie stuff books and quills into her bag. "I actually need to speak to you."

Aggie looked up at McGonagall, brown eyes wide.

"There's no need to look so worried," said McGonagall. "Professor Dumbledore merely wants to see you in his office now that classes are over for the day."

Aggie swallowed hard.

"Al-Alright," Aggie stammered nervously.

Aggie's limbs felt heavy as she trooped out of class, and headed up to Dumbledores office. What could the professor possibly want to speak to her about? Had he perhaps found out about her and Draco breaking into the library at night? Or did he know they were fixing the cabinet? Or maybe they weren't supposed to be in the Room of Requirement at all.

New possibilities of what she could be in trouble for popped into her mind with every footstep she took up the staircase that lead to the Headmasters office.

However when she finally entered the interesting little room, Dumbledore just smiled and asked Aggie to take a seat. Aggie nervously plucked at a loose string on her skirt, but Dumbledore wasn't acting like there was anything wrong.

"You are probably wondering why I called you here, Aggie," said Dumbledore with a smile. Aggie gave a slight nod. "Well, the reason is, I had a bit of a chat with the wand-maker, Ollivander. I'm sure you've heard of him?"

Aggie nodded again and murmured, "yes. He sold me my wand."

Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, and he remembers doing so. He said it was a rather remarkable event. He said when you were reaching for your wand, it came to your hand, as if summoned with the accio charm by another wand."

Aggie nodded again. She could remember the event very clearly. She'd already gone through a pile of wands, all of which has done absolutely nothing. Aggie has begun to fear that she was a muggle just like her father.

Then Ollivander had pulled out a wand and said, "Now this is a rarer wand, but it's one full of surprising talents, as I think you might be, young lady."

Aggie could remember smiling shyly. Then Ollivander glanced at her parents and said "And it also has a reputation of bringing courage to the wielder."

Then, as Aggie reached for the wand, it had come to meet her wand. Ollivander's eyes had widened in utter shock.

"Well,well,well!" Ollivander said, "You and this wand have a very special connection!"

But Aggie was just so happy to have a wand choose her, she didn't even stop to think about what that could mean.

"Yes. I remember that," Aggie said to Dumbledore quietly. She was confused at to why the Headmaster was bringing this up.

"Well," said Dumbledore. "I found your intuitive ability to fix things quite fascinating. Most witches and wizards do not have such a strong connection with their wands. So I went to Ollivander to see if he had anything to say on the matter. And he had quite a lot to say."

Aggie listened to Dumbledore with brown eyes wide, and her lips parted. She'd never thought there was anything odd about being able to fix things. It had just always been something she was able to do, and enjoyed doing.

"Now the larch wand," continued Dumbledore, "is said to be a wand of 'hidden talents and unexpected effects, which likely describes the owner. It is often the case that witch or wizard who belongs to the larch wand may never realize the full extent of their considerable talents until paired with it'. And your core is Phoenix feather, is it not?"

Aggie nodded.

"Phoenix feather cores tend to show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord," said Dumbledore. "The larch wood and Phoenix father being paired with an incredibly talented young lady such as yourself, has created quite the venue of powerful magic."

Aggie blinked at Dumbledore. Rather taken a back by all this information being thrown at her without any expectation. 

"Oh," was all she could think of to say.

Dumbledore smiled pleasantly.

"It is always good to know your strength, Miss Seki."

Aggie nodded.

"Alright," said Dumbledore. "That is all. You are excused."

Aggie pushed back her chair, and stood. She was about to walk away, when out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of strange stone basin sitting in an open cabinet, surrounded by crystal vials.

"Excuse me, sir," said Aggie. "But what is that?"

She pointed to the basin.

"That is my pensieve," said Dumbledore.

Aggie froze at the word pensieve.

"Our I should say the schools pensieve."

"Oh," said Aggie, unable to keep a small tremor of excitement from entering her voice. "Thank you Professor!"

Aggie swiftly exited Dumbledores office, and went skipping down the stairs.

There was a pensieve in the school. This could solve all of their problems. Aggie had to find Draco.

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