Thirty Seven ~ Letters

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Mr and Mrs. Seki were both very happy to have their daughter home. Aggie was their pride and joy. They were unsuccessful in having children during their younger years, and didn't have Aggie until their mid-thirties. In their eyes, the girl could do no wrong, and they had dutifully spoiled her in her childhood years. But being of the mild disposition she was, she had been saved from turning into a spoiled brat.

As soon as Aggie stepped through the door of her house she was ushered into the living room, sat down on the sofa with a mug of hot cocoa, and told to tell her parents everything about school.

The Seki's living room had been left undecorated for the most part. There was a bare Christmas tree in the corner of the room, and attic boxes scattered across the living room, but the only decorations actually set up was the line  of lumpy, holiday themed ceramic mugs lined up on the window sill. Mr and Mrs. Seki had waited for their daughter before they went into full-fledged Christmas mode.

"Well," said Aggie with a nervous laugh in reply to her parents inquiries. "There really isn't much to tell."

Her father gave her a disbelieving look. "Nothing to tell? You go to a school for magic! You always have such amazing stories!"

Aggie's father was a Muggle and he still had a hard time wrapping his head around the concept of magic, probably due to the fact that Mrs.Seki didn't often use it around the house. She thought it unfair to her husband. She only really ever used it at the Ministry where she worked in the department for negotiating with foreign witches and wizards.

Normally Aggie enjoyed this traditional holiday catchup with her parents, but this year it felt different. There was a lot Aggie couldn't tell them.

They talked about Edith, Aggie's grades (her parents weren't too concerned about grades; they were both big believers in unconventionality) and everything in between. Throughout the conversation Aggie couldn't shake the feeling that she was being interrogated and they were trying to find out about what she'd been doing with the Vanishing Cabinet, even if she knew it wasn't true.

"What have you been doing when you aren't in class?" asked her mother. "Any new hobbies?"

"Uh . . . No," said Aggie. "I've been . . . Reading? Yeah reading. A lot."

Her parents looked surprised.

"Well, that is a new hobby," said Mr. Seki.

"Yeah, I, uh, like it now," said Aggie, rather unnecessarily.

Her stomach squirmed uncomfortably. She didn't often lie to her parents.

Aggie forced a bright smile on to her face and said, "The living room looks in need of decorating, why don't we do that?"

Soon the sound of Muggle music and family laughter filled the Seki's home, and Aggie avoided any further questioning for the time being.

That evening, while sitting on the sofa next to her father, both wearing red Christmas jumpers, and admiring the now bright Christmas tree, Aggie received a surprise.

Her father was casually sitting through the mail when he said suddenly, "Aggie, you've got a letter."

Aggie straightened up and asked eagerly, "Is it from Edith?"

Her father shook her head and squinted at the letter no it's from . . . Draco Malfoy?"

"What?" squeaked Aggie, certain she'd heard him wrong.

Her father glanced at her and asked, "is that your boyfriend?"

Aggie's turned redder than any of the decorations in the room.

"W-what? Of c-course not. He's just — we're working on a project together in school." It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Uhuh," said her father knowingly. "That's what your mother told her parents about me."

"Dad!" said Aggie, extremely embarrassed.

Mr. Seki chuckled. "Alright. I won't say anymore. But here's your letter."

Aggie took it and stuffed it away under her jumper. When she had the chance, she slipped away to her room and opened the letter.

It wasn't very long.

Aggie ,
I thought it wouldbe best if we stayed in contact over the   Holidays. As of right now I haven't learned anything about Raymond, but I will keep you posted.
- Draco

Aggie scribbled a quick reply.

Good idea. I hope you find something.

Aggie paused then added as an after thought, enjoy your holiday.


Christmas Eve found the Seki house was full to the brim with relatives. It was always an interesting thing to see since half of the family were muggles, and the other half magical, though Aggie's father's family was considerably smaller than her mother's. Most of Aggie's cousins were older than her, but a lot of them had kids so there was plenty of little witches and wizards running around.

Overwhelmed by family, Aggie was glad for a moment in which she could steal up to her room. On her window sill there sat a gray owl. Aggie opened the window and let the large bird hop in, bringing snow with him.

Again Aggie was hopeful the letter was from Edith, but she looked at the address and saw it was from Draco Malfoy.

Aggie opened it up and found another short letter.

I found out where Raymond is. Going to find him tonight. I'll be there at midnight. Be waiting.

Aggie frowned down at the parchment. What did he mean he'd be there at midnight? Did he mean here at her house?

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