#1~ Get used to me changing the plans

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I was walking down the bustling road of Diagon Alley. Stupid mudbloods pass by me as I sneer down at them. People don't dare look in my direction and stay out of my way. It is only because of my family name. My black dress, along with my black cloak, and light brown hair that reach just past my shoulders just added to my intimidating look. My name is Vanessa Darkthorn and I am entering my 4th year at Hogwarts. I am supposed to be buying my supplies, but I had one of our house elfs take care of that for me. Malfoy was supposed to accompany me, but I have decided to go without him. Since our families are both loyal to the Dark Lord, we both grew up together. I can't stand him! He's too cocky for his own good. The last thing I want to do is socialize with him. I had planned that I would walk around, maybe go to Honeydukes for a butterbeer. I had decided that it would be a good idea for me to stop at Gringotts Bank to get extra pocket change incase I find something I would like. I turn the corner and stand at the entrance. The place that is always silent is now filled with the clicks of my shoes echoing as I entered the empty building. I walk up to the front desk. "Vault number 765." I said confidently and arrogantly as I handed the key upon the hideous goblin's desk. "Right this way, Miss. Darkthorn." He said, peering down over his desk at me. I sneered at him until he got up from his desk. I followed him as he led me to the mining-like carts that lead to the vaults. "I'm in a hurry, so make sure I get there fast." I said and rolled my eyes. I was used to the journey there. I must have done it at least 1,000 times. We finally reached my vault. I watched as the intercut locks became undone. I walked in as the goblin opened the door. I had grabbed a handful of everything we had and shoved them in my cloak's pockets. I got back into the cart and waited for it to zoom back. The cart starts up again as the goblin gets inside. Once we got back to the entrance I walked out of the cart. I pushed the door open and started walking down the street to Knockturn Alley. I enjoyed it down there than stupid Diagon Alley. I knew a lot of important dark witches and wizards that normally go there. Once I reach there, my first place that I wanted to go to was Borgin and Burkes. "Vanessa!" I heard someone call down the street as I turned down Knockturn Alley. I quickly spun around on my heals and rolled my eyes once I saw who it was. "Hello Malfoy." I said and turned and I kept on walking. "Babe, wait up." He said as he smirked. "Not your Babe. But if you want to walk with me, you have to keep up." I said, not turning back to look at him. He quickened his pace and caught up with me. "What are you doing down here?" He asked as he put his arm around my shoulders. I didn't have the time to argue with him, so I just let him. "I got one of my house elfs to do my shopping, so I'm just walking around." I said as I looked around at what shops to go into. "I thought that we were going together." He said. I huffed in annoyance. "I changed the plans." I explained. "Do you want to go back and grab some butterbeers?" He said me. I obviously wasn't going to do what I had planed to do with him breathing down my neck. "Fine," I sighed. "But you have to get your hand off my shoulder." I finished. "Deal." He said and removed his arm. He tried reaching for my hand after, but I just glared at him. Doesn't he have any other girl to bother. I pulled Malfoy into Huneydukes as we approached it. I went to go find us a booth as Malfoy went to get us the two butterbeers. "Here you go Princess." He said as he set it down. "Thanks." I said with a smirk at the nickname. I was considered the Slytherin Princess. It was so cheesy. "I heard that Hogwarts is hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament this year." He said. "Oh, really. I bet you Potter won't miss this opportunity to be in the spotlight again." I sneered as I rolled my eyes. "Stupid Saint Potter." He muttered. I just slightly nodded in agreement. "Did you hear that the Dark Lord might be returning this year." I said in a hushed voice. "My parents were talking about it the other day. They said that he might be able to come back at the Tri-Wizard tournament." He said deep in thought. "My parents are always at the ministry. I barely see them. The way that I found out was some witches in Knockturn Alley talking about it." I explained. "Why don't you date anyone?" Malfoy asked after several seconds of silence. "Think about it this way. Everyone in Hogwarts wants me. That's a given. It's only the few that stick around that I pay any attention to. They have to prove themselves to me." I said and put my empty butterbeer glass on the table. "I'll see you on the train." I said and walked out of Huneydukes. I was able to apparate because my parents had taught me for emergencies. I apparated home and walking into my empty mansion. My parents were never home. They were too busy. Since it was late at night, I decided to get changed into my pajamas and go to bed. I walked up one of the thousand staircases to get to my room. I stripped out of my black dress and untied my boots. I but on my silk pajamas and climbed into bed. Tomorrow was when I would go back to Hogwarts and start my 4th year. What joy.

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