#4~ Focus on your girlfriend

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I walked into the Great Hall after potions. It was dinner time and I had a few minutes before the boys walked in. Boys are ridiculous. I sat down at our table and started to eat whatever was on the table. Parkinson then sat down a little ways away from me. Malfoy and Zabini walked in soon after I filled up my plait. They were both glaring at each other. I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Don't hold grudges for too long boys." I said to them. The both looked away from each other and started filling up their plaits. I looked up and saw Potter's eyes staring directly at me. I gave him a weird look and he looked away. "Vanessa. You okay?" Malfoy asked. I looked away from the stupid Gryffindor table to look at him. "Potter was fucking staring at me." I said. As soon as I said that Malfoy went up and walked over to Potter. He said some things that I didn't couldn't make out. Whatever he had said made Potter really angry and try to punch Malfoy. Course it never hit him though. Potter was about to throw another punch but he stopped, almost as if some invisible thing was blocking him from hitting Malfoy. I walked over and saw that Potter's hand couldn't get within 2 feet of Malfoy. I tapped Potter on the shoulder as I got up to him. He turned away to look at me. As soon as he did that I punched him square in the face. "Don't. Touch. Him. Ever. Again." I said, through gritted teeth. Potter couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried. Was I putting a block to him? There's no way. I looked around the room and saw Mad Eye Moody looking over at me. He was smirking, almost proudly, at me. I backed away from Potter and walked out of the Great Hall. I heard footsteps behind me and assumed that Malfoy was following me. "You're lucky I was there to save your ass." I smirked. "Was that you doing that?" He asked, ignoring my previous comment. "How could it have been?" I asked/answered. "No idea." He answered. He walked in front of me to stop me. "Yes?" I asked rudely. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a rough kiss. I kissed back as well. We kissed for a couple seconds before he tried to go to my neck. I turned away and started to walk away. "Focus on your girlfriend, Malfoy." I said still looking forward. I smirked because I didn't hear him move from his spot. "What if she isn't my girlfriend anymore!?" He shouted after me. I stopped walking. "Huh?" I asked, spinning around on my heels to look at him. "What if you were my girlfriend?" He asked, smirking. "Then you know my rules." Is all I replied with and walked off to go to my room. I walked down the stairs that led to the dungeons. "Mudblood." I whispered to the painting. It opened with one swift movement. I stepped inside only to be greeted by a voice. "I see you have a thing for my boyfriend, Darkthorn." "And I see that you stalking skills have increase." I replied and turned to look at Parkinson. "Remember, he's mine. He chose me over you. Not the other way." She snarled. "You see Parkinson, that's where you're wrong. Your boyfriend would break up with you at any given time." I replied, smirking. "No. He loves me. Not you." She smirked back. I only scoffed at this. "Please Pugface, I can get Malfoy any time I want." I said while rolling my eyes. "Not true." She did back, more to herself than me. "We both know it's true. Gee Parkinson, maybe you would have a better chance with Zabini. After all, he is single." I tried to persuade her. "No. I can't betray my Dracie like that." She said to herself. "But you can. Because once he walked through that door, I'm going to kiss him." I smirked. "Draco could never love an ugly person like you ever!" She shouted. I only rolled my eyes. The common room door opened and I saw Malfoy walk through. Perfect time. "Aye, Malfoy!" I yelled from where I was. "Watch it unfold right before your eyes, Parkinson." I sneered down at her. I walked up to Malfoy and kissed him as hard as I could. He kissed just as much back. I smirked into the kiss. "DRACO! HOW COULD YOU!" Parkinson screeched. "Shut up Pansy. No one wants to hear it." Malfoy mumbles against my lips. She went off to her dorms, probably crying. He backed me up and pressed me against the wall. He licked my bottom lip, to which I decided to be stubborn and not open. I smirked and spun out of his grasp. "Gotta save some for tomorrow Malfoy." I said as I walked to my room. It only allows for me to enter, and no one else. I walked down my stairs and reached my emerald, silver, and black room. I took off my clothes from earlier and put on my pajamas. I climbed into my giant bed and drifted off to sleep.

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