#3~ We are Slytherins, and no one messes with Slytherins

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I woke up at 7:00 the next morning. Today I had to start classes. Classes were easy, seeing as I ace them all. Most of the Professors love me. Professor Snape is the one who loves me most. Unlike the other teachers, he understands that sarcasm is simply part of a Slytherin's vocabulary. I decided to put my hair straight, and up in a ponytail. I had a white dress shirt tucked into my skirt, that went mid-thigh, my silver heels, and of course Slytherin tie. I decided on not wearing my Slytherin robes. I walked out of my room and headed to the door that existed the common room. "Morning Darkthorn." I heard Zabini say behind me. I didn't bother on looking back. "Morning Zabini." I said back, walking through the portrait. He walked up next to me soon after. I look at the corridor next to us and find Parkinson and Malfoy snogging. "Hey Zabini," I whispered to him. He looked over at me. "See Malfoy and Parkinson over there," I said pointing to them. He nodded. I widely grinned. "What if it's payback time?" I asked mischievously. He smirked back at me. "I say that we show them two can play that game." I said, still whispering. "I'm with ya, Darkthorn. So what's your plan?" He asked me. "I say we "date" for a while. After all, we are Slytherins and Slytherins should never be messed with." I smirked, looking at the idiot couple as I said the last part. "Anything to get Malfoy away from stupid Pansy. All she does is talk about him. And he won't even take a second glance at me when she's there, which is all the time." He huffed. "I know. Malfoy hasn't talked to me since yesterday. So we both agree that Pugface should leave?" I question. "It's only for the better." He smirked down at me. I smirked back. It's payback time Malfoy. I walked into my first period class, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Like I need any defense. Malfoy, Zabini, and Parkinson were in this class. Zabini and I walked in and stood where the other Slytherins were standing. The professor slammed the door open as he entered. "Class! I have arranged seating charts!" He bellowed. He stared to name all of the Gryffindors first. Once he was done placing them on one side of the room, he started to name the Slytherins. "Blaise and Pansy," he named. I snickered at the look on Zabini's face. "Vanessa and Draco," He yelled pointing to the seats two rows behind Zabini. Malfoy smirked down at me. I replied by scoffing and rolling my eyes. We both went to sit down in our seats. Once we sat down the Professor had furiously written his name on the chalkboard. Professor Moody. He then started to recite ALL of his titles. I have better things to do than sit here. "Nice to see you, princess." Malfoy said quietly, looking down at me. "Can anyone give me the three unforgivable curses?" The professor asked. I rose my hand. "Yes, Miss. Darkthorn." He said, gesturing in my direction. "There is the imperio curse, the cruciatrus curse, and the killing curse." I said lamely. He stared at me for a few seconds. "You must be Clarissa and Michael's daughter. I had gone to school with your parents. They were very smart. Always got top grades." He trailed on. "Yes, that's me." I answered. "Could you preform the curses on this?" He asked me slowly. He took out a spider and enlarged it. "Of course." I scoffed. I walked up to the front of the class. I took my wand out and recited, "Imperio." The spider was now under my control. Moody stared at me in astonishment. I forced the spider to walk around the class. It's hilarious to see everyone jump onto their seats. "Crucio!" I shouted at the spider. The spider then writhed in pain. Most of the students had to look away. Moody stared at me with wide eyes. "Avada Kedevra!" I shouted. The spider died as fast as I had said the spell. Moody still couldn't believe that I had done it without flinching. "That was quite brilliant. 20 point for Slytherin." He said. I walked back to my seat with a smirk. "Good job Princess." Malfoy said when I sat down. Once he realized I wasn't going to reply, he put his had on my knee. I tried to flick his hand off, but he wouldn't budge. I decided to leave it and ignore it. Malfoy looked at the front of the classroom to make it look like he was paying attention. His hand slowly started to go up to my leg until he got to hem of my skirt. I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Your girlfriend would be mad." I snicker at him. "Like I care." He said. I grabbed his hand before he could get any further up my leg. "See you later Malfoy." I stood up and winked at him. "Class dismissed!" Moody shouted. I strutted out the door. I had a free periods next, so I had planned on walking around the castle. I walked up to the 7th floor. For some strange reason I had an urge to go there. The corridor seemed to be empty but as I did a double take, I noticed a door appear out of no where. Curiosity got the best of me, I opened the door to see what it leads to. I looked in and saw it was a room. It was full of useless crap that none cared about. I left the door soon after. I had to get ready for my next period.
~ Time skip til last period~
All my classes went by in a blur. None of my fiends were in the rest of my classes. I didn't really care. Potions was now. I'm excited to see Snape again. Zabini and Malfoy were in this class, but there was no Parkinson. "Where's your girlfriend now, Malfoy?" I smirked. "I don't know. But she's not here now is she?" He questioned, also smirking. I rolled my eyes. Snape had arrived with a big bang of the door slamming behind him. I smirk, knowing what was coming next. "You will not talk in my class, you will not fool around, and you most certainly not interrupt." He said. I mimicked him as he did so. Snape then gave us seats. I was in the middle of Malfoy and Zabini at a three person table. I purposely rose my skirt a little to tease them both. I smirk as I saw them both staring at me. Idiots. "Hey princess, mind if you pull that a little higher?" Malfoy smirked. I rolled my eyes. "You can if you want to." I replied and laughed a little. "If I could I would." He responded and winked at me. I rolled my eyes again. Snape was just giving us the introduction speech which had lasted the entire class. "Hey Darkthorn, want to come to my room later?" Zabini asks. "You wish." I responded and walked out of class, knowing that class was over.

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