#8~ You really are something Miss. Darkthorn.

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I walked out of my room into the hallway after passing Zabini and Parkinson. I saw Flint there as soon as I walked out. "Hey Flint." I said with a smirk behind him. He quickly turned around and saw me. "What do you want?" He asked rudely. "That's not the way you should be talking to me." I said still smirking. "Then what way would you like me to talk to you in Miss. Fourth year." He said sarcastically. "I highly doubt you think of me just as a fourth year." I said and stepped next to him. He looked at me for a second but then rolled his eyes. I came closer to him. This is where my Slytherin side starts to show. "Isn't it bedtime?" He asked me in a baby voice. "Not until you tell me it is." I smirked. "You really are something Miss. Darkthorn." He smirked. "Is that so?" I questioned as a distraction as I reached in my back pocket for my wand. "Imperio." I whispered while pointing my wand at him. He looked as if he would pass out any second but soon looked at me. This was really creepy. "You are going to recite pauseus confrontitus," I said, recalling the spell. "And put this in the Goblet of Fire directly after you have done so." I said handing him the piece of paper with my name on it. Of course I had someone else write it out unknowingly for me. He nodded at me and walked towards the Great Hall. I followed him to make sure his stupid self didn't do anything wrong. We walked into the Great Hall and saw the Goblet. He said the incantation on the paper and put it into the Goblet. This was so easy. Just as I thought that I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I looked at it a little then looked at the bottom of the page. "Page 56...... so I was right. Someone is putting their name in the Goblet." I whispered to myself. I smirked at how I figured this out. Whoever it was didn't have the other page. My plan had worked. Everything was great.... at least for now. "What the bloody hell?" Flint said in front of me. "What's wrong?" I asked as I slid the piece of paper into my cloak. "What am I doing here?" He questioned. "You said that there was something you wanted to show me." I said coming up with an excuse. "I did? Well now that you say that there is something I want to show you." He said smirking at me. "How about no. I have more important things to attended to rather than stay here with you." I said and turned in my heel as I walked away. I heard him whistle at me. I rolled my eyes and slammed the doors behind me as I left. I strutted down the hallway until I got to the common room. Zabini and Parkinson seemed to have gone to bed. I walked to my room and said the password that opens the door. I walked in and saw something on my dresser. I walked over to it and saw a dark purple rose with a note next to it. "Hello my Princess, I wanted to give you this to show you how much I love you. Also I have some news. Our parents have arranged a marriage for the two of us. Your parents said that you have no say in it and you must do what you have to. They have written a letter to you that should be on your desk." The note read. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!? I looked next to it and found an emerald and sliver ring with diamonds everywhere. ARE THEY SERIOUS?!?!? I looked on my desk and saw a note. My parents better not have done this. I should be able to make my own decisions. NOT THEM!! Malfoy didn't even ask me. He was forced to. I angrily opened the letter and read it. "Hello daughter. We wrote to you to tell you the exciting news of you being betrothed to Draco Malfoy. We know that you two were the perfect pick for the Malfoy's and us. You are to wear the ring and not take it off. If you do, death will be the only consequence. The Dark Lord will be more than please to know that the two of you are betrothed. Speaking of which, have you managed to succeed in getting into the Tri-Wizard Tournament. If you haven't then hurry up. Remember; never take the ring off your left hand.
Sincerely- your parents."
DID MY PARENTS REALLY DO THIS!?!? I looked over at my stand and picked up the ring. Well, better wear this before I DIE! What kind of parents curse a ring that if someone takes it off they fucking die? I put the ring on my left finger and angrily changed into my pajamas. I may be engaged, but that doesn't mean that I have to be with Malfoy. At least not until we're married. He thinks that he has me so easily. Well, he better think again. Because Vanessa Darkthorn is the boss. And no one disagrees with the boss. I though as I fell asleep.

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