#6~ Where is page 56?

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I decided that I was going to spend my free period in the Library. I had to do some research on how I was going to get into the stupid tournament. I walked in and went to the section that was about Charms and Spells. I was positive that Dumbledore was going to put an aging line charm. I pulled out a book that read "How To Create Aging Potions and Charms." I flipped to the charms section. "Aging charms can only be produced by highly advanced wizards. It may only be broken by a spell that causes it to falter for 30 seconds. This spell may only be used once in a 2 hour time period. It is crucial that you say it correctly or else worse will be the output. This incantation can be found on page 56." The page read. I quickly flipped to where page 56 should be. "54......55....... where the hell is 56?" I muttered to myself. When I saw that the page was ripped out. I stared at it for a minute before going into a second book that I had pulled out. "How To Always Be Chosen, Spells Charms, and Potions." I flipped it to the spells section. "There are many ways to enchant a certain object to be picked. The spell can only be used twice in a 3 hour period. The incantation is pauseus confrontitus." I smirked to myself for finding this. I cheeked that no one was looking and ripped the page out. If whoever had page 56 had the same idea as me, they wouldn't succeed without this page. I put all of the books back on the shelf. I stuffed the page into my robe pocket and walked out of the Library. I walked down the hallway and went to my next class.

Time skip to Potions

I walked into Potions and took my seat. "Hello Miss. Darkthorn." Snape said to me. I was secretly his favorite student. "Hello Professor Snape." I said back. I saw Zabini walk in and wink at me. I rolled my eyes. I saw Parkinson walk in with red puffy eyes. Malfoy strutted in, looking more smug than usual. I saw Zabini trying to comfort her. I just rolled my eyes. "What's got you all smug Mr. Malfoy?" I smirked. "I just broke up with Pansy." He smirked back. "Is that right?" I said with sarcasm. "Yup. I would love to have the privilege of having the Slytherin Princess as my lovely girlfriend." He said. I though about it. He has done many things to prove that he actually wanted to go out with me.  "Okay." I said and smirked. Malfoy just looked paralyzed. Before he had the chance to say anything, Snape started talking. We were to make a sleeping potion. Easy. I finished it in 10 minutes. I normally did all the work for Malfoy and I. Once Malfoy looked like he could move again, he put his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks babe." He smirked. "Don't push your luck." I said back and smirked. Zabini looked back at us and glared at Malfoy. He just got closer to Parkinson. I pulled out my charms homework from my bag and finished it in fifteen minutes with Malfoy coping off of me. Once class was over, we walked out to go to the Great Hall. Malfoy held my hand the entire time we walked. We walked over to the table and sat down next to each other. We knew that we were now to be known as the Slytherin Princess and Prince. Krum took a seat next to me on the other side. "Hello Vanessa." He said in his accent. "Hello Viktor," I said back. "How was your first day?" "It was wonderful. You have quite a school here." He said. "Really. I don't think our school is anything special." I said and started to fill up my plait. Malfoy looked really mad. I rolled my eyes. "Hey babe, can you pass down the salad?" I asked. I knew that he would be better if I called him babe in front of Viktor. "Are you two dating?" Viktor asked. "Yes we are." Malfoy said before I could get the chance to. I rolled my eyes. "I wish you two the best of luck." He responded. "Thank you, Viktor." I said glaring at Malfoy a little bit. "Attention everyone. I have some announcements. First off, everyone is eligible to enter the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The only restriction is that you have to be seventeen or older," As Dumbledore said this a lot of people were yelling. I just smirked to myself. Now all I have to do is think of a way past it. I could imperio a seventh year. YES! That's what I'll do. "SILENCE! Eligible people are to summit their names into the cup tonight trough tomorrow night. Also, in celebration of the Tournament, we will have a ball, The Yull Ball. It has been tradition since the first Tournament." He ended. The boys were all groaning, while the girls were all giggling. I could be less excited for a stupid ball. My parents had them all the time. I, of course never went to them though. I finished my dinner and stood up to leave. "Where are you going Princess?" Malfoy asked. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said back. I realized that Parkinson and Zabini weren't at dinner. Whatever. I walked out of the Great Hall and walked up the stairs that led to the bathroom. I was halfway to the bathroom, when someone grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it didn't work. "Keep it down, Darkthorn." I heard the person say. I knew the person. Zabini. I crossed my arms and wait for him to take his hand off my mouth. He slowly did, but kept a strong grip on me. "What the hell are you doing, Zabini?" I whispered, knowing that he would put his hand back if I shouted. "You know what I want." He said and pulled me towards an empty classroom. "Yeah, something you're not going to get." I smirked. "See that's were your wrong, I always get what I want." He responded and pulled be into the empty classroom and locked the door behind us.

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