#5~ All is fair in love and war.

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I woke up the next morning and put on the uniform, only this time wearing my Slytherin robes. I walked out of my door and entered the common room. "Morning beautiful." Zabini said behind me. I turned around, to see him smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes. "Have you seen Malfoy?" I asked him. I didn't feel like dealing with Zabini right now. "It doesn't matter, does it?" He asked. "I want to see him." I answered. "He's probably off with Pansy somewhere." He answered. "Right." I huffed. I turned and walked over to the painting. He swiftly walked behind me. I tried to ignore the fact that he was right behind me. "Darkthorn. Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked. "Okay?" I said and turned around. "I love you." He said and smirked. I smirked back. "You know," I said and walked up next to him. "A lot of people love me." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me, still smirking. I winked and walked away up the stairs. When I was halfway to the Great Hall I saw Malfoy snogging Parkinson again. "Hey Malfoy." I said as I walked next to them. I pulled Malfoy off of Pugface and kissed him hard on the lips. He looked stunned after I pulled away. Parkinson looked like she was going to explode. "Might want to step outside to cool down, Parkinson." I laughed and walked away. I opened the Great Hall doors and walked over to the Slytherin table. Zabini, Parkinson, and Malfoy soon entered. Malfoy and Zabini were both staring at me. Pugface looked like she was going to murder me. "Good morning everyone! Today I would like to proudly call our school home to not only us. We will have two other schools that will be going us. May I introduce the ladies of Beauxbatons!" Said Dumbledore. I looked at the entrance and saw girls in short blue dress skip in. They were seriously staying here?  Zabini and Malfoy now had their eyes on them instead of me. Those girls had a seat at the Ravenclaw table. "Next I would like to welcome the students from Drumstrang!" Dumbledore said once again. Muscular, built men came stomping in with metal sticks that sprouted fire as they hit the ground. They were hot. I heard everyone whisper once they saw Krum walk in. He had look directly at me and winked. I smirked back. Malfoy and Zabini looked like they could for once agree that they both wanted him gone. I laughed to myself at this scene. The boys came over to sit at our table. "Hello. I'm Viktor Krum. Who might you be." Krum said as he came up and sat down next to me. "My name is Vanessa Darkthorn." I answered. "That is a very pretty name." He told me. I smiled. "Thanks." I replied. "Hey Vanessa. Can we talk to you for a moment?" Malfoy said as he came over. "Okay? I hope to see you later Viktor." I said and smiled down at him. "You as well, Vanessa." He replied. Malfoy grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the Great Hall with Zabini behind us. "What the hell are you doing with Viktor Krum?!?" Shouted Malfoy. "What are you talking about?" I asked and crossed my arms. "You know exactly what we're taking about." Zabini said. "What. That I'm talking with another boy that's not you?" I smirked. "No. You never smile." Malfoy said. "So?" I replied. "So you better not like Krum." Malfoy said. "All is fair in love and war." I smirked and walked to DADA. I walked into the classroom and was greeted by Moody. "Good morning Professor." I said and sat down in my seat. "Good morning Miss. Darkthorn. How has your morning been?" He asked. I thought for a moment before replying, "Eventful." He smirked at me. "Better than boring." He said. I slightly nodded. "I don't see why I need defense against dark magic when I am dark magic." I mumbled to myself. Moody looked at me for a moment. I ignored him and took out my homework that I had some older kid do for me. Everyone soon filled in after. "Here you go princess." Malfoy said as he walked in, handing me a dark purple rose. I looked at him for a second. "How did you know I only liked dark purple ones?" I asked him. "Can't reveal my secrets." He replied and smirked. I smirked and looked at the rose. "Thanks." I said. Class went on as usual and uneventful. He gave us some lame homework and dismissed us. "Babe. Will you go out with me now?" He asked me. I only smirked and walked out of the classroom.

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