#2- Be careful not to catch the stupidity

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  I apparated to the train station by myself. I normally did this every year. I had a different black dress, black cloak, and silver heels. I like to wear heels a lot. I think it must be a girl thing. I walked through the wall to get to The Hogwarts Express. I dropped my trunk off and walked into the train. I walked to the very back where the Slytherin compartment was. I scoffed as I passed by Potter's compartment. I kept walking until the very back seat. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, and Pugface Parkinson sat in that compartment. I sat down next to Zabini and across from Malfoy and Parkinson. "Hey Darkthorn. How was your summer?" Zabini asked me. "Fine." I said and pulled out my wand. I saw Parkinson out of the corner of my eye trying to get as close to Malfoy as possible. "Watch out Parkinson. He may bite you." I smirked. "Oh, my Dracie would never bite me. Right." She asked looking up at Malfoy. "That's right." He smirked and put his arm around her. I felt something inside me turn. It couldn't be anything serious though, right? I gave them both a weird look and glanced at Zabini, who also looked confused. "Draciepoo and I are dating now." She said and stuffed her head into Malfoy's chest. "What's wrong Darkthorn. Are you jealous? Don't even think of taking Draco away form me. Because he's mine and only mine." She said, glaring at me in her last sentence. "That's funny Zabini," I said looking at him. "I didn't know it was national stupidity day. Then again that must be everyday for you, Parkinson." I smile and laughed. Zabini chuckled at my joke. "Anyways I have more important things to do than watch you two snog the whole way there. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now." I said, rolling my eyes as I left the compartment. I sat in the empty compartment across of theirs'. I reached into my cloak pocket to get money for the candy cart lady. Instead of finding only money, I had also found a letter. I looked at the front and saw it was from my parents. How great is that. I carefully peeled off the wax seal that held it shut.
Dear daughter,
We have been informed that the Dark Lord is to return on the last task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament that will be held at your school. We have decided that it would be a brilliant idea if you were to participate in this such event. However, there is a minor set back. The headmaster has put a age limitation upon entering. Therefore, you will have to sneak your name in and be sure to be chosen. Good luck. Make us proud.
-From your parents
Great. Now I have to not only find a way to get my name into the cup, but also ensure that I will be chosen. Why did my parents want me to be there when the Dark Lord returned. I guess to get on his good side. I was ensured to become a death eater when I'm older. I really didn't care because I'd rather be on the Dark Lord's side than the Ministry's. After all, it is more than likely that Voldemort will win, so what use would it be to be on the losing side? I realized that I had been think about this the whole ride there. We had already arrived at Hogwarts. I got out of my compartment and walked down the carpeted isle. I already had my Slytherin robes on, so I just walked off the train. I walked down the walkway to get into Hogwarts. No one came close to me. I kept waking with my head held high, past all the little first years, to the older 7th years. No matter who it was, they were terrified of me. I walked into Hogwarts and kept walking to the Great Hall. I opened the doors and walked to the Slytherin table, my heels clicking along with my steps. I sat down next to Zabini. Stupid Parkinson and Malfoy were across from us. Parkinson was glaring at me so I smirked at her. "You know Parkinson, it's not polite to stare." I said to her. "Draco, are you going to let her talk to me like that?" She pouted. "Vanessa. Don't talk to Pansy that way!" He sneered at me. "I'll do whatever I want." I said and stood up. "Not when it involves Pansy." He stood up with me. "Oh is that so?" I asked, tilting my head. "What are you going to do about it." I asked backing away to the doors. I heard Parkinson get up and follow me. I grabbed my wand and turned her into a pug. "There you go Pugface. A new makeover. I can see there had been some huge improvements." I laughed as the whole Great Hall laughed with me. Parkinson started snarling and barking at me. Not like she already doesn't do that. "Can you guys spot the difference, because I sure can't!" I shouted. Malfoy walked over the her and turned her back. "See ya later." I said and pushed the doors open. "Oh, no. You're not getting away that easily." Malfoy sneered behind me. "I think will." I exclaimed and started running out the doors. He was hot on my heels. I quickly took my shoes off. "You can't talk to her that way," I mocked as I through one of my shoes at him. "You can't do whatever you want when it involves her." I mocked again and through my other shoe at him. He had, somehow, dodged both of them. "Patrifacus Totalius!" I shouted, casting the spell behind me. I stoped running when I heard the satisfying sound of his body hitting the ground. I smirked down at him. "I do what I want, when I want, with who I want." I snickered, turning around on my heels. I swiftly walked back to the common room. I have my own room that is down a different staircase that is hidden and only opens to me. It's pretty cool what people who are scared of you will do to be on your good side. I entered my room and crawled into bed after putting on my pajamas. I am Vanessa Darkthorn. I do what I want, when I want, and with who want. I thought as I fell asleep.

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