#13~ "You know Parkinson I would keep your mouth shut if I were you."

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Malfoy and I had entered the Great Hall, which wasn't that far away from the infirmary. I saw that Parkinson was sitting with Zabini right up her ass. I rolled my eyes and sat down with Malfoy at the other end of the table. "Can you believe she fell for that?!" Parkinson snorted rather loudly. I knew right away she was talking about me. "I'm going to be right back." I said to Malfoy. "No you don't. Don't get into a fight when your ankle is already damaged." He said and pressed me back down in my seat. "I just want to get some food. I won't do anything." I said to reassure him. "Do you promise?" He said looking at me knowingly. "Of course." I said. "Alright. But I'll be watching you." He said. "Like you don't do that already." I said smirking and walked to get some "food." Little did he know I was crossing my fingers behind my back. "She's so dumb!" Shouted Parkinson as I came into earshot. She looked up at me and smirked. I sweetly smiled back at her. I grabbed some bread and was smothering it in butter. "You know Parkinson I would keep your mouth shut if I were you." I said still smiling. "Oh yeah right. Because I would do that." She said and rolled her eyes at me. I reached over the table on my elbows still holding my bread and butter. "You're going to get yourself hurt one day." I said to her. "Please." She answered me. "Come here." I said. She was curious as she leaned more forward. Right as she was leaning in I smashed the bread and butter all over her face. "That's why." I said smirking as I smushed it in further. I leaned back on the other side of the table after I was done. Parkinson looked fuming. "You will pay for that!" She screeched at me. "Oh. What are you going to do now? Curse me again." I mocked her and laughed. She reached her hand into the mashes potatoes and threw a handful at me. I dodged it and smirked at her. "Looks like Pugface wants to fight back." I said laughing. Malfoy looked over at me and shook his head. I looked back at Parkinson to see her about to throw some pancakes at me. Before she could I took the bottle of syrup off of the table and dump it onto her hair. She looked mortified. "See ya later Parkinson." I said and waved at her. I walked to where Malfoy was to see him smirking and shaking his head at me. "What. I crossed my fingers." I said and pouted at him. He just smirks up at me. "Darkthorn! You're so dead!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Zabini. "Really. Then come at me." I said with a smirk. He threw a punch at me but misses. "Zabini! You better not touch her!" Malfoy yelled at him getting up. He tried again but I dodged it again. "Losing your touch there Zabini?" I said and laughed. This only made him more mad. He got his wand out and shot a hex at me. I blocked it with my powers with a force field type thing. I rolled my eyes again. "You know. This is getting awfully boring. I'm going to go now." I said and started to walk away. Zabini tried to hex me again but I made it rebound to him. His legs got locked and he fell. Malfoy followed me out of the great hall. My fists clenched beside my thighs and I could feel my fingernails digging into my skin. How dare they come after me after everything they had put me through?! "Vanessa, are you okay?" I heard Malfoy say behind me. I slowly unclenched my fists when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Realizing that I lost my composure, I calmed down. I had a reputation to uphold and I'm not going to let some scum ruin it for me. "I'll be okay, I'm just tired of Parkinson thinking she can always get away with the shit she pulls. One of these days she isn't going to be as lucky as she was today." I say with revenge seeping through my voice. "I mean if I'm being honest here, seeing her face smeared with butter and syrup was a pretty hilarious sight." Draco said smirking down at me. I laughed at his comment. "You're right about that. Did you see the terror on her face when she realized that I got syrup all over her face!" I exclaimed loudly with excitement. Nothing will beat the rush I get looking back on her pug face in that moment. "Yes I did! However I have to say if Zabini had made one wrong move on you, I would have hexed him into another universe." Malfoy said with a smirk. "I don't need you to step in and protect me, Malfoy." I said with a mirroring smirk looking up at him. "I know, but sometimes I got to step in and help you. You would do the same for me." He said with a small smile on his face. "That I would." I commented under my breath, taking his face and kissing him. It wasn't like the other ones we have shared, this one almost seemed like it was a promise. To always protect each other no matter what.

Hey guys! I noticed that this book had been getting a lot of attention lately so I decided to continue and try my best to update. It's been three years since I touched this book so I just continued off of a draft I saved lmao. Thank you so much for the support and I'll try my best to update again soon! :)

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