After Naomi Left....

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After Naomi left to go to her parent's house, I stayed in our hideout and hung out for a while. I messed with the brush, already missing her again.

Granted, I did lie to her about being here the entire time, but I didn't want her talking about giant mutant Turtles. It wasn't right and I don't want her to start talking like that to her parents. They'd send her away and I'd never see her again.

Guess it's my job to worry. College next year and my life is practically all booked. I was just thankful for the weekend. Cindy and Sophie weren't happy with me leaving, but I wanted to get a career in art. It's the best thing I was good at.

Sighing, I got up and decided to start cleaning. It seemed the best way to ease my nerves, so I just did it. It cleared my thoughts and mind so I didn't have to worry about anything. Except about wondering if Naomi had made it safely home.

My name's Julie if you didn't catch it. Senior in high school, learning martial arts from my boyfriend, Harlen, and working on my art to get into an art school. I have a few requests, but they're out of state.... My hair is dark brown that curls automatically. Doesn't seem to stay straight. And my eyes are a hazel color.

Cindy and Sophie, along with Naomi, are my closest friends. All Sophomores, but quickly growing with time. Mature isn't their favorite word when we're together. Maybe Cindy because she's the smallest and more innocent of all of us...

Naomi I'm personally the closest to for relationship wise. Yes, you can say what you want, but we're both bi. I've known I was bi for the longest time, but Naomi realized she was only recently, and I can still tell she's still hesitant. But she's warming up.

I smiled at the thought. Naomi wasn't smooth going or anything. Just carefree and sometimes all-knowing. Except in her History class.... But she trusted me with all her secrets, and I trusted her with mine. Nobody knew what Naomi knows about me. But I'm not telling you all either, so don't even ask.

But I think our trusting bond hasn't broken over the year. I met her in her Freshman year and my Junior year. Sure, I'd seen her around and all, but Sophie was the one to introduce us. I noticed she had a small knack of drawing small doodles and I decided to start talking with her.

She thought my outspoken habit was always so different and when I spoke my mind most times, her face flushed and looked down like she was embarrassed. I never made her not embarrassed about something.

But I believe the night of her sixteenth birthday really made our bond tighten. I knew we would never forget one another, even if I did go to five countries over for college. Naomi and I spoke for hours while Cindy slept on the hotel bed by us. Sophie couldn't make it, which was a shame, but we survived.

A strong friendship is hard to find. Most friends start rumors that are your secrets. It sucks, but we all live through, even if we do cut some bonds every now and again....

My friends, Naomi, Sophie and Cindy, I consider the sisters I never had. They're like me in almost every way. If one doesn't have a trait in me, then another one is replacing it. We always care for one another no matter what. We always have one another's backs and always there when one of us is feeling down.

I smiled again and finished cleaning. My mind was wonders when I clean so I didn't realize how quick I was to get the place cleaned so fast. Putting the broom down, I grabbed my sweater and started to head home.

It was growing dark and it didn't bother me, just made me anxious because the Purple Dragons start to roam worse than what they do in the day time. Hurrying home, I made it through the front door to be welcomed by my few cats.

Naomi says that my black calico cat, Moon, reminded her of her old cat, Nightfall, when she lived with her real mom. I never met the women, but Naomi says that she learned half the things she does now was because of her.

I petted my cats as I walked up the stairs. My parents were gone again and I smiled in relief, pulling out my phone. No text messages.

Weird... Naomi would've texted by now. At least to give me some news that she made it home okay, it that everything was fine.

I texted her for the fifteenth time today, but again, the same "The phone number has either been shut off or has not been made" text came up as soon as I sent it.

Sometimes the chick can make me nervous. I worry a lot about her and our friends, because we all have the habit of getting in trouble one way or another. Cindy did sometimes, bit not as much.

My cats followed me up the stairs, meowing that they wanted food. I laughed softly and went to the kitchen to grab the cat food and their bowls. I filled the silver tin ones with water and the plastic white with their food. Setting the items on the ground, they pounced on the bowls like hungry tigers.

Leaning down I pet Moon and then got up to leave for my room. As I entered my room, my phone buzzed in my pocket as I got a call. I got it out of my pocket and looked at the caller.

Again with the weird number I didn't recognize.

I decided to pick it up this time and ask softly, "Hello....?"

"Julie?" a familiar voice said on the other line. "About time you picked up."

"When'd you get the new number?" I asked, putting her on speaker so I could hear her and draw at the same time.

"I lost my old one," she explained. "I had dad get me a new one."

"And you miraculously remembered my number?"

"I have things written down!"

"I know, I know," I chuckled. "So did you make it home okay?"

"For the most part...." Naomi said softly. I thought I heard someone call out behind her and then the phone thump softly as if she had jumped a little.

"Naomi," I sighed. "What it?"

"Look," she sighed. "Can I meet you tomorrow night?"

"Sure," I smiled. "When and where?"

"I'm sure you know where, but he when should be.... Mmmm.... Midnight.....?"

"Midnight?!" I cried. "I'm not a night owl like you, Naomi!"

"Just this once! Julie, please. It'd mean a lot."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Fine. Midnight... But no later!"

"Thanks! Sorry, though..."

"It's fine. Just, good night," I smiled at my phone.

"Night, Julie," she said back then hung up.

I sighed and stayed up for a few more hours drawing and thinking about her...


Gah! My IPod didn't save the second half of their conversation so reread that! Sorry! But first chapter. Thankfully. Heh.

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