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(Donatello POV)

I had looked at Julie when Naomi wanted to train because it's a step ahead to where she was. I was a little hurt when she didn't remember Shol because I thought that was the way to get old Julie back...

Naomi said this was my Julie. But the only thing I see from old Julie in the new one is her attitude. Happy, ready to help, sometimes taking over Naomi's job in it all...

I sighed, the sketch pad that I usually use for new inventions is now being used to doodle the older Julie. Pages before it were of the Sub and Shell Raiser and even the newer invention that includes the four guys in one and the girls in the other. There's two, yes because us guys don't have tails. Well... noticeable tails at the least...

Looking at the sketch I made, I realized that I didn't shade it. Julie had always liked how I shade and tried to copy how I did it. It made it look smokey and actually shaded, she had said one day.

I picked up the pencil and sketchbook again, setting the pencil head flat on the paper and just taking short strokes to it. I would never erase unless it was a machine because then the shade would just suddenly stop and there would be no volume to the picture.

My focus was strong. Almost as strong as when I'm in my lab. I guess that happens when you're a geek or nerd. Maybe even a genius.

I finished soon and sure enough, there was more life to the 2D surface. Julie was her old self, Turtle with a soft and shy smile. Her eyes half closed and her body slightly turned away. A hand on her shoulder and her bow tie which was always yellow was curled and bouncing back on her shell.

Sighing to myself, I almost let the sketchbook down to start thinking again when someone cleared their throat and I jumped. I looked over and Julie was standing at the door. The door wide open and with her hand on it, walking in.

"Training's done..." she said a little worn out.

I nodded, trying to flip pages naturally to show that I wasn't doing anything important. "That's good."

"And the dragons are just talking," she continued more with a shrug before walking in. "I never knew dragons could exist."

"They've lived here before..."

"Well I don't know that now do I?" she asked, her tail flicking as she sat down on the bed. She was eyeing the sketch pad curiously.

I gritted my teeth as I noticed, but continued the conversation, "Well... maybe you do. It's just locked away somewhere...?"

"Locked?" she repeated, shaking her head a little. "I would know if I had ever been here."

"Naomi said the same thing and look where she is."

Julie paused, unsure how to respond. She glared at me a little before snatching the sketchbook out of my hands and completely changing the subject after I cried out in dismay. "What're you doing?"

"Sketching a new invention! Give it back!" I wailed.

"If it's just a new invention, why freak out and defend yourself?" she asked with a smirk.

"Because not even the guys see it until I'm done with it!"

"And you won't give me the chance to?"


"Fine," she shrugged then tossed the book between us, the pages so happening to land on where I was drawing Julie. She paused at the picture. "Whoa..."

I blushed and snatched the sketchbook back, finally closing it up completely. Julie watched me then smiled, "You're a good artist."

"Thanks," I muttered with embarrassment written on my tone.

"Really," she smiled as she got up. Her fur was ruffled where she sat down but as soon as she got the rest of it settled, she fixed her fur. I watched her as she touched my cheek and gently kissed me.

My face turned bright red because I wasn't sure if she remembered, was being nice or what... but I wanted to kiss back. So bad... But she pulled away as I was about to.

She smiled at me then turned and left, flicking her tail before leaving the room and me wondering what exactly just happened.

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt