Intro: "Time..."

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•• Jackson's POV ••

I was walking down the familiar street, trudging through the white and fluffy snow. It was november and was beginning to snow, the cold already too much to bare.

I looked up to the sky as it radiated hues of colorful pink, blue and purple while the sun was setting. I smiled at the beautiful sight but soon found myself frowning upon remembering a certain pink haired baby face.

I shook my head and ruffled my blonde hair. I had kept this color because Yugyeomie seemed to have liked it... I cursed under my breath. I need to forget... And yet, here I was, in the town I was once left. The town where I met that particular baby face...

It's been two years ever since the "accident". Two years later after I had left this town, along with my feelings for Kim Yugyeom. But now that I'm back, I'm starting to remember them again. To gain those memories back again.

All those fun, sad, silly and random times Yugyeom and I had. They all keep coming back to me. It seemed like I had moved on at first, but now it seems that I truly haven't as almost every little thing reminds me of that boy.

I went back to my old life. The life of an outlaw, an unknown vigilante. Even the thrill of the risk didn't distract me from that boy. Almost every single day of those 2 years I had been thinking about Yugyeom. So now here I was. Back and only for one reason. To check on Yugyeom.

My heart was aching to see how the boy was doing. How he was. What was he doing. And how he's grown. The last time I've seen him was when he was just an 18, but now he's in his 20s. A new young adult. I wonder to myself if he's changed.

Even as I walk, I keep thinking about him... I sigh deeply as I take out a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. I light it and inhale the intoxicating substance. I try to keep high to forget my feelings for that boy, which fails most of the time and does the opposite.

How come I can't get that baby face out my head..?

•• Yugyeom's POV ••


made a clicking sound with my tongue tsk, as I see puffs of smoke coming from beside me. I glare at the idiot beside me and take the cigarette from his mouth, surprising him. "Don't do that! What would I do if you got lung cancer?" I yell at him, concerned for his health.

"Ahh mianhe my little boy!" Chanyeol says as he chuckles at me and rubs the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and throw the cigarette to the snow, stomping on it as we continue walking. "I know you have more" i said sternly as I eye his trench coat.

He pouts and takes out one pack of cigarettes. I frowned and threw the pack in a trash can we come upon. "I hate it when you smoke Channie! I wouldn't know what to do if you ever end up in the hospital!" I whine, quite serious. He simply smiled at me.

If he ever got sick. I'd have a heart attack... Literally. It's been two years after the "accident" and my heart condition's grew worse since then. Now I take more pills than my meals a day. Luckily, I met Chanyeol, the kindest and sweetest person I had ever met.

I met him in a dance therapy semester me and Bambam went to once. We got close after talking day after day and I immediately stuck to him like gum getting stuck to hair. Over time, I grew to like Chanyeol. And I mean "like" as in more than just friends.

I ended up confessing to him and it turns out he felt the same way! I know I can't believe it either! After being "just friends" for 2 years he finally asked me to be his boyfriend, literally just yesterday. I said yes ofcoure. Why would I deny the guy I love? He's charming, cute, kind and he's just my height! Which is rare considering in these two years I've grown up to 6 feet now.

I ended up moving out of my parent's house after dad married Youngjae's mother and moved in with Chanyeol. He's such a great boyfriend to just accept me like that. He told me not to worry about the bills and groceries and let him handle it because he is rich but I can't help to worry though.

I kept working at the cafe nonetheless. Namjoon and Jin grew even more protective of me though but they seemed to have approved of Chanyeol, seeing that he's the type of guy that could protect and keep  me safe like they wanted. Youngjae likes him as well.

Though, for the past few months strange dreams started to occur. I would always dream of these particular memories but there would always be this person in the background. At first in the dream I would see and memorize his features clearly but when I would wake up, I would forget.

It's gone to the point where I started to doubt my old life. Because when I woke up in that hospital. There's something Youngjae said that really got me curious. "I would never let Jackson near you..."

And I kept asking myself. Who was this Jackson? I also asked the others but they seemed to not know anything and Youngjae wouldn't even tell me his last name...

I think Jackson was that extra guy in all those memories, in all those dreams. But was he really all that important to me? None of my friends know him and only Youngaje does and from the sounds of Youngjae's warnings I think it'll be best if I forget that name.

From what Youngjae keeps telling me. I'm now afraid that Jackson might be someone who was out to get me... Or someone who hated me... Maybe he had something to do with the "accident" and told Jinyoung where I was and when he should... "Take" me.

The thought only sent shivers down my spine as I physically get goosebumps. Chanyeol notices and pulls me close to him, radiating his own body heat to my cold body. "I'm so lucky to have you Channie~"

"I love you cupcake!" He says cheerfully "Love you too" I say back, but why does it feel so wrong this time..?

(A/N: I know I know! I keep pulling up Exo members into the "wrong boyfriend" role!! I just had to find a kpop idol who was near his height or a bit taller for plot purposes and I could only think of Chanyeol! >~< Anyways, yeah don't kill me T^T)

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