"Little Black Lies"

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•• Yugyeom's POV ••

Chanyeol put the food he was cooking on a plate then approached me. I flinched when he grabbed my bruised arm, but he doesn't see the bruises. I flinch and he pulls away from me.

"L-Look.. Gyeomie. Last night... I got d-drunk and..." He took a deep breath to console himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you baby" He said as he softly cupped my bruised cheek. I sighed. I must be out of my mind...

"I... Forgive you.." I stated then bit my lip. I wasn't sure if I had made the right decision. But I didn't have it in me. I couldn't. I didn't want him to leave me. I couldn't take the idea of it. I didn't want to go back home either. Back to mother. Back to hell...

I promised myself. The next time he does this I'll do it. I'll break up with him...

~ Timeskip ~

After breakfast. By "breakfast", I mean me halfheartedly forcing myself to eat at least half of the food. Anyways, so after breakfast, Chanyeol drove us to "Cafe Le Crem" to get to work.

We walked inside the cafe. My eyes immediately see Jackson, who was sitting with Namjoon. I shake my head. I can't think of him. I thought to myself. I was surprised when Jin suddenly came in front of me from nowhere.

"Oh my gosh!! What happened to my baby?!" He yelled as he strokes my bruised cheek. I sigh and lean more into the softness and warmth of his hand. I look him in his worry filled eyes. Oh yeah, he's still waiting for an answer. Chanyeol was beside me, looking so guilty.

"Oh. Some of my old bullies in highschool saw me in the store but... Luckily, someone saved me" I smiled fakely. No one saved me. I hated to lie to my hyungs. But I had to. He simply gave me a sad smile and kissed my forehead. I blushed, embarrassed.

"Yah hyung~!" I whined. He only laughs and tells us to do our shift. We both smiled and nodded. We went to the back, luckily no one was there. We changed there ofcourse. What I didn't notice, was Chanyeol staring at me and licking his lips each time...

~ After the shift ~

Our shift just ended. It was now 10:00 pm. I changed back into the clothes I wore earlier and so did Channie. I was left alone at a table when Channie went to answer a phone call in the men's room.

I ruffled my hair that was already messy and sigh contently as I hug the duffle bag of clothes I had in my arms. I hear a chair being moved in front of me and I look up to see Jackson taking a seat in front of me.

I glare at him. My inner emotions taking over. "Are you okay Yuggie?" He asks me. I just keep glaring at him "Leave me alone." I state harshly. I didn't want to see him. For some reason, I blame him.

I blame him for me and Chanyeol's "arguments" I blame him...

•• Third Person View ••

Yugyeom blamed Jackson. But he didn't blame him for the arguments. For the truth was, he blamed him for not saving him. When Chanyeol did what he did last night, he kept thinking for someone to help him. And that someone was Jackson...

And when he didn't come, his rage that was supposed to be for Chanyeol, got shot to Jackson. The wrong and last person he should be mad with.

Jackson was surprised at the younger's hateful tone. It hurt him too. To think that Yugyeom could ever hate him. "What's wrong Yuggie?" He asked in a soft tone as he reached to touch the other's hand on the table.

Yugyeom flinched and pulled away "Don't touch me! And don't call me that!" He yelled, although it hurt him to yell because of his sore and hurting throat. "What? Why are you mad at me?" Jackson asked, dumbfounded.

Yugyeom rolled his eyes and scoffed "It's because of you!" He yelled, surprising his own self as well. He wasn't sure why he was yelling, and was only thankful that only Namjoon, Jin and Chanyeol were left in the cafe.

"What's because of me?" Jackson asked, getting enraged by the situation. "Because of you Chanyeol and I are fighting! It's all your fault!" Yugyeom snapped accusations he himself knew that weren't true.

"Why the f*ck is it my fault?!" Jackson defended, standing up abruptly. Yugyeom's heart dropped to see an angry Jackson. It only proves him room. Jackson didn't care for him. Jackson was just another a**hole after his a**. He thought...

"It's because you had to interrupt in my life!!" Yugyeom yelled, standing up also. "So f*cking stay as far away from me as possible!!" He yelled lastly before running off to Chanyeol's car, hiding himself in there behidn the tainted windows of it.

Jackson was left there dumbfounded. Yugyeom just got mad at him. He felt annoyed. Jin came to his side asking why Yugyeom sounded so enraged while his boyfriend just came out the bathroom.

"Where's Yugyeom? I heard him yelling" He asked but Namjoon only pointed outside to the car. To be honest, Jackson felt relieved when the guy left. He didn't want to deal with him.

Jackson ignored Jin calling him or yelling at him as he went out the cafe as well. He ran and ran back to the apartment. If Yugyeom wanted him gone then gone shall he be.

What Jackson doesn't know was Yugyeom's true feelings. He was just frustrated. For he fell in love with him. He denied his feelings so much he ended up getting mad at Jackson.

He wanted nothing more than to see Jackson, cuddle with him, play games with him, watch movies with him. But the only obstacle was his own boyfriend. Chanyeol hated Jackson with a passion.

But Yugyeom loved Jackson with the same

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