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•• Yugyeom's POV ••

Jackson. He hurt me. I thought he was finally the one. Turns out I was wrong yet again. I had to. I needed to get out of there before it all crumbles. My whole world was an inch away from crumbling after all I've experienced. I had go get out of there before Jackson gives the final blow.

Where was I going? Well, I think you already know... I was going to Youngjae. I know. I always run back to my brother when I'm broken. Pathetic right? But I can't go back home to father and her.

The cold wind hit me hard. It was already December 14th tonight. So close to Christmas. I was hoping to spend my Christmas with Jackson, happily opening presents, kissing under the mistletoe and being silly with the whole gang. I guess that was all just a stupid dream.

I should've known it was too good to be true...

I called for an Uber and gave the adress for Youngjae's house. Didn't I tell ya, Jaebum and Youngjae got their own house. I'm happy for them. They have such a stable and loving relationship. Unlike Jackson and I's. I know I was mostly the problem. My fear came first before my love.

It was selfish of me. But you couldn't really blame me after all I've been through, can you?

~ one drive later ~

I got out of the car, payed the driver and he drove off. I turned around and looked at the fairly big snow covered wooden house infront of me. The lights in the house chased away the darkness surrounding it. It was already around 8:45 pm so it was pretty dark out.

I trudge through the snow, dragging my luggage with me and walk up to the porch. I rang the bell, it making a soothing ding dong chime. I heard shuffling inside before the door flew open, revealing my bed headed older brother.

"H-Hyungg.." I managed to choke out before bursting into tears. I just couldn't take it anymore. So I broke down then and there. No questions needed, Youngjae hugged me and pulled me inside along with my stuff.

I'm glad to have someone so caring...

•• Jackson's POV ••

I eventually stopped screaming ten minutes ago. But I'm still depressed as hell for Yugyeom had left me. Now I know how he felt two years ago. Gee, why did I do that? If I hadn't done that then I would've protected Yuggie. He would've never gotten with Chanyeol.

I was scrolling through my phone, looking at old and new photos of Yugyeom and I. A tear rolled down my cheek at the though of him never coming back in my life. I just got him back and now I chase him away again. My phone buzzed. I just got a message from JB. Yuggie must've gone to Youngjae's then..

I opened it to see...

JB: What the f*ck Jackson?!
Why is Yugyeom here crying?

Me: I'm so sorry
I didn't mean to
I'm sorry

JB: Jackson, he looks so broken!
What happened?

Me: My stupidity
That's what happened

JB: Details

Me: My anger got the best of me
I yelled at him, telling him how annoying he is
I slapped him
I hurt him JB

JB: Dude
You shouldn't have let your temper do that

Me: I know
I'm stupid
Now he's gone

JB: Not completely
He's still here, mumbling how he loves you so much and that he's just so scared

Me: Oh God
I don't want him to be scared of me
Tell me JB

JB: You f*cked up
How about just let him be with us for tonight
Let him cool down

Me: Yeah
And please tell him how sorry I really am

JB: I will
I'm sure he will come to forgive you in time

Me: Thank you

JB: No problem
Now, don't drink or smoke cause that won't solve anything
Don't bathe in your own sorrow either
Just prepare yourself for the apology you'll be giving him
Get some sleep, you'll be needing it

Me: Yes, thank you

I let go of my phone and place it on my nightstand. I hop unto the bed and do my best to try and sleep. Although it was quite hard without that angel beside me...

•• Yugyeom's POV ••

I told Youngjae everything. About the fight. How I feel. That I'm afraid. He seemed shocked and angry at first about hearing Jackson hurt me physically but soon he calmed down and rubbed soothing circles around my back once he saw me about to cry again.

Youngjae pulled me away from embracing body and made me sit up straight. "Get all those negative thoughts out of your head! He doesn't hate you. He wouldn't leave you. He wouldn't hurt you on purpose!" He stated in a soft yet stern voice.

I sniffed and nodded in understanding. "I just can't..." I whispered softly. "You can't what? What is keeping you from him?" Youngjae asks me, determination written all over his face. "I can't get hurt again... Youngjae I can't do this anymore! What if Jackson's just like all the others? What if he'll just hurt me like how all the others did?! I just can't take the risk anymore, hyung I can't!" I practically yelled out.

I hid my face in my hands and shut my eyes tightly, afraid that if I open them endless tears would come flooding down. I felt hands pull my own away from my face. I dare open my eyes and as expected tears were now streaming down but Youngjae wiped them away.

"But isn't that risk worth it..? Jackson loves you-- scratch that, he adores you! He just made a mistake. You did say he came home stressed from work right?" I nodded to his question and he continued "Then he was only worrying for you hun-" he stated, tucking my bangs out of my eyes.

"-When he was stressing out over that paper work. He was thinking about you. What would happen to you if he lost that job. He was only worried... Sure, he hit you.. But he didn't seem to mean it now, did he?" I shook my head, looking down.

"Now, how about you stay here for the night. Think all this through, then tomorrow you two talk it out. And if Jackson hurts you again, tell me... But I doubt he'll ever hit you again" Youngjae said kissing my forehead and letting my head rest on his lap. This is why I love Youngjae.

He's like that mother figure I miss oh so much...

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