"Love... It's Complicated.."

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•• Jackson's POV ••

I kissed Yugyeom. I could practically taste the metallic taste of blood entering my own mouth the moment we touched lips. I also felt something else. That same spark. That same stomach churning feeling erupted in me. And then and there it was confirmed, I still loved Kim Yugyeom.

I didn't mind the taste, I didn't even taste the vile. I simply tasted blood. I also tasted lust. I could practically taste the lust filled within Yugyeom as he kisses me back with passion I've never seen in him before. It took me by surprised but nevertheless, I kissed him back with the same passion.

We stayed like that, ignoring the vile smell, ignoring the taste of blood, ignoring the open door. It was heaven and I didn't want to stop. And by the looks of it, it seemed that neither did he. He tugged at my hair and I groaned at the sting of it.

I notice him clawing at the collar of my shirt, he gripped tightly at it as he pulls away. I panted, but Yugyeom was breathing heavily. His breaths sounded scratchy. I got panicky as I knew it was an attack. "Oh God, Yuggie. Stay here. I'll go get Youngjae-"

I was stopped when Yugyeom grabbed ahold of my hand and made me face him. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "H-Hhyung.." He said in a scratchy voice. "Yuggie what are you doing?" I asked, trying to comprehend the situation.

He leaned in and pressed his shaky hand to my cheek. "H-Hyung. I..." He leaned in closer. "I.. L-love you t-too..." He whispered so quietly then pressed his lips on mine softly. I feel him go limp in my arms as his head pressed against my shoulder and he was no longer standing on his own feet.

I hhand my arms around his waist to prevent him from collapsing on the floor. I stared at him with eyes filled with terror for a moment. Then I decide to change our position and I carefully carry him bridal style.

"Youngjae! Jaebum?! Guys! Help!" I called out, I was panicking slightly. Yugyeom was limp, lifeless in my arm as he barely even twitched. My breath hitched and I was shaking. I was extremely worried for my baby boy...

I ran down the stairs and was met by the others who had ran out the living room. "Guys! Yugyeom! He's-!" I can't form a proper sentence. I could only point to the unconscious boy in my arms. Jin gasps at the sight. Youngjae immediately calls a butler to ready the cars.

"We're going to the hospital!" He yelled, running outside with the butler. I follow quickly, doing a faster pace since Yugyeom's body mass slows me down. I lay Yugyeom down at the back and sit in there beside him. Everyone else got into either the first or second car. Yuggie and I were in the first with Jaebum, Youngjae, Taehyung, Jungkook and a driver.

"Oh my God Jackson what did you do?!" Youngjae asked accusingly. I felt appalled. "Oh me?! I didn't do anything!! He was throwing up blood in the bathroom Youngjae! If I hadn't come he would've thrown up all his organs by then!" I defended myself. How could he blame this on me again?!

Youngjae's eyes widen and he gasped, he only managed to sit back down properly and bury his face in Jaebum's chest as the other comforted his boyfriend.

~ One car ride later ~

The car ride seemed so long. It felt like forever. Finally, the car was parked by the curb and I glance at Yugyeom. He seems so pale, he felt cold too. Oh wait, his t shirt was so thin. I take off m coat and drape it over him before taking him in my arms.

I carefully got out of the car and followed Youngjae to the emergency entrance. "Help! Please!" He called and almost immediately a nurse comes up to us. "What happened?" She asked hurriedly, wasting no time. "He had an attack. He has a heart condition." Youngjae stated quickly.

The nurse nodded and called for a few other nurses. They came with something that was similar to an ic bed. I gently place Yugyeom there and once he was carefully set, they sped off. I wanted to follow them, but the doors they went through said "STRICTLY EMPLOYEES ONLY"

I sighed as I took a seat beside Jaebum and Youngjae on the waiting couches. I rubbed my temples. Why was love this complicated?

~ Timeskip ~

It's been maybe about an hour, and still no sign of Yugyeom's doctor. I was hanging my head low and praying silently as I mourned in my seat. "Who are here for... Kim Yugyeom?" I hear a masculine voice call out and immediately look up.

Jaebum, Youngjae and I stood up. The person, who I assume is a doctor, approached us. "Ah yes" He bowed to us as he flipped through his clipboard. "The patient seems stable for now... It seems that he's been vomiting blood, has he not?" The doctor asked to which we all nodded to slowly.

"Okay, so nothing severe happened. Nothing permanent really. Just a sudden case of sudden Acutr Gastritis, but we believe he's stable now and it was only a one time thing." the doctors said calmly.

I sigh in relief as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Yuggie was gonna be okay. Thank God.

"I believe you are good friends with the boy?" The doctor asked as he tries starting a conversation with us. Jaebum and I nodded "I'm his brother" Youngjae states. The doctor nodded in understanding as he pulls up his glasses.

"Another thing we noticed about the boy that he was really malnourished for his age and height" I sigh and look at Youngjae, who was only mirroring the look I had on my face. A look of concern.

"Yes doc, we know. We try to get him to eat more nowadays" Youngjae explained. "Ah I see, well, once he's awake you can go home with him then" The doctor smiled one last time before bowing and finally leaving us alone.

All the while, I kept staring at the doors they rushed Yuggie through. I can't help but be worried.

I was worried for my baby boy.

I was worried for the one I love...

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