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I can't look at you.

I have an unbelievable fear of your eyes.

I fear that,

I can't tear my eyes off of yours.

I fear that,

I can't find something that's even comparable to your beauty.

I fear that,

My resolve will be crumbled if I look at you.

I fear that,

Your spellbinding eyes will root me to the ground and take my breath away.

I fear that,

My hammering heart against my chest can't take your hypnotising eyes.

I fear that,

I might never forget those eyes, ever.

I fear that,

What I see inside those eyes hurt.

I fear that,

I will helplessly fell into those eyes all over again.

I fear that,

I might not feel the same with any other person.

I fear that,

When I look in those eyes, my feelings are not reciprocated.

I fear that,

When I look at you, you'd ridicule my feelings.

I fear that,

I can't—

I fear that I can't get over you.


My nightmares came true.

/ 0151

/ 05AL17


Also, holy shEIT, I ranked #172 in Poetry! Whoah, I have no idea how this happen but whoa thanks to whoever that's reading this note and this book!!!!

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