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It is half past midnight and I cannot stop thinking of his laughter.

The first time I heard him laugh, I remember thinking, "I love him,"

And I tried so hard to remember what I had said that got him laughing so cheerfully.

His laughter resonated deep within me, into hollow spaces in my heart I had never gave any attention,

He reminded me of how I had felt when I was whole.

I wonder how I got him to laugh like that, he laughed as if he was taken by surprise by his own laughter.

It is half past midnight and it is so very lonely in my room.

It is depressingly dark, quiet and lonely.

The wall seems to be mocking me the way it bounced off wind,

And his laughter is the only thing I could think of right now,

Like a rope I am desperately reaching from the depths of a hole.

I wonder if he knew, how his laughter saved me from despair, and how it distracted me from my grief, and how it gave me hope.

It is half past midnight and I keep thinking of his laughter,

And keep thinking, will it be soon that I hear his wondrous laughter again?

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