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I could hear his soft voice as I woke on a couch, wrapped in a white duvet in my pyjamas. My fluttering eyes closed again as he leaned over me, kissing my cheek.

I felt tired though, I didn't want to get up. Even with his soft caressing on my shoulder that was peeking the blankets.

I shivered, sucking up into the warmth of the couch.


The fire crackled, taking me from the warmth and my eyes fell on his as he leaned over me. His hair was dishevel and his facial hair grown out in a neat beard. I stared at him in his perfectness and reached out from under the blankets towards me, “Ean.”

He came down around me and kissed me. His mouth met mine, his tongue slipping in and then I heard it. The low building cry of a baby in the background.

“I'll get him.”

I woke up erect in bed and staring wide eyed across my now dark room, “What the heck was that!” I was in a panic, my heart thundering in my chest as I felt a cool sweat beaded across my goosebumped skin.

I stared into the darkness around me and then I felt my tears, I had for some reason allowed myself to accept tears as a form of normal. But it wasn't normal. Nothing about what was happening was normal.

Then my tears turned to gasping cries. I was so upset and I wasn't even completely sure why, other than the dream and being pregnant and... being pregnant with his baby.

I sunk back into my bed, crying and staring at the ceiling, the dream still vivid in my mind.

I then attempted to talk myself down. It had been a dream. A simple dumb... dream. All because I had decided to take a nap when I'd gotten home from work...


I scrambled up, remembering I had the dinner to be at and soon. I glanced at the clock in my new panic, I had ten minutes...

“I'm such an idiot!”

I was a mess. A hot, hormone infested mess! And it was all because of him... well, a dream version of him but just the same!

If this is what women that let men take care of them had to deal with, I was even more put off now. It's like all I had thought about that entire week.

Pregnant with his baby.

Pregnant with his baby.

Pregnant with his baby.

It was neon sign worthy at this point in my life!

I hurried across my bedroom, ignoring my upset stomach and persistent nausea. Once I was in my closet, I took in my organized options. I grabbed a safe choice of a black dress and started to strip the lovely warm sweatpants I was in.

Once shoved into the dress, I walked to my dresser and checked my phone but there was nothing from Beth. Nothing. Nothing in four days, even with my stupid long voicemail on Tuesday and follow up texts. I was starting to think there was something potentially wrong! At that moment, I couldn't think about it though because I beyond late for Jay-jay and Doug.

I looked in the mirror at myself, adjusting the thin black straps over my shoulders, looking over the tight black cocktail dress as I did. I fluffed my hair and it worked, surprisingly.

I turned to the side and sucked in my stomach, hoping I would be showing no signs but that was a negative. The only sign I was showing was my increased stupid appetite!

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