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I hung up the phone, swallowing in disbelief to what I'd just done.

I was pregnant and... I had no idea what I was doing. Never mind the fact that I was unfit to even be a mother, but all I saw with his face. The only man I've ever even been remotely attracted to and he was so different from me but so...

“Amy, are you okay?” Beth walked out towards me and I swung around to her.

She came right to me and I blurted out my confession, “I cancelled it!”
She blinked, “What?”

I nodded as my breath began to get stuck in my throat, “Yes, I actually cancelled it. I cancelled the clinic.”

“Oh my god!” She covered her mouth, “Amy...” She was at a loss, I could see it but then again, I wasn't acting like me.

I wanted to scream bloody murder, “Shit, what am I doing! I'm calling them back...”

“No!” Beth grabbed the phone from me, “You need to talk to Ean. You need to call him!”

I couldn't believe she had just said that, “What?”

“Yes, Amy! Look how messed up you've been since you met him!”

I fell silent.

“You need to at least go see him. You don't even need to say you're pregnant... but I would.”

I was at a loss for words. My eyes fell to my blackberry she had clutched in her hands as I tried to process.

“I... I don't even know his number... I don't even think he has a phone.” I was pretty sure that was true.

Elizabeth winced, “Do you want to drive there?”

I stared at her, “What?”

“We can. On the weekend.”

“No!” I blurted out, my heart was racing. I could see his face, he'd hate me, “He won't want anything to do with me!”

She sighed, “Hun, that's not true.”

“Yes, it is!” I retorted, “Beth, I was totally awful to him. Seriously.” That was the truth, I'd been a cold hearted loser and what was worse, I'd told him never. I told him, I'd never want to be with him or live a life with him, which was true. I was scared shitless of being with him but maybe we could work out something... for the baby...

My eyes flew open at my thoughts.

Elizabeth gave me back my blackberry, “Amy, if you have his baby, he deserves to at least know. In my opinion.”

I nodded, “I... I just need to think about it.” I slipped my phone in my pocket, did this mean I was choosing to have a baby? I choosing to stay pregnant?

I tried to hold back the building bile.

Elizabeth rubbed my shoulder, “Let's go eat, Amy. You look a bit pale.”

That was only because I hadn't ate anything at all that day. I nodded slowly and became wrapped in my thoughts the rest of lunch.

Once I was back at that office, I sat to my desk right away. Though, I was very confused, there were a few things I was sure on...

One; I was pregnant with Ean Hunter's baby.

Two; I would indefinably be sinking my career because of it.

Three; I didn't care about any of it anymore. Why? Cause Elizabeth was making sense to me for once.

I picked up the phone after a few moments on the search engine and waited as it rung. A total of seven times before someone answered.

LITTLE KISSESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora