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I woke the next morning to the sound of my cell phone buzzing from the set alarm.

Though I had spent half the night on the phone with Elizabeth, I still did not feel any better about the situation I was in. I was about to see him, almost three months later and I was more nervous then the first time in the shower with him.

I rolled on my side, grumbling and reaching out to the cell. I flipped it off and then did nothing. I really felt like blowing it all off, I mean even for one more day – I still had nothing good to say to him, no opening line, nothing.

My eyes focused on the eight in the morning wake up on the display. This was late for me in the grand scheme of mornings, however pregnancy was starting to kick my butt.

I lied there for another ten minutes before I got out of bed. Procrastination was compelling but not going to happen. I had an appointment, a date, a possible doomsday with the man that had impregnated me.

I got dressed in a blouse and the fat jeans I had recently purchased and headed out of my hotel room to check out. I was definitely not staying the night, that was for sure.

Once in my beamer, I started off on the two minute drive to the realty office. It was a nine o'clock meeting and I was fifteen minutes early. I felt the need to keep driving past it, once I saw the building. However, his white pick-up was no where to be seen, Rick's little sedan was there though.

I decided to pull in and suck it up, I was there and there was nothing more to be done about it. Deciding to steal the house from the skank though, I was really wishing I hadn't gone about things like I had.

I grabbed my purse and put it on my lap once I was parked outside the office. Pulling the mirror down to look at myself. My face was a bit pale, I, of course – naturally pale... put some subtle pink lipstick on to give myself more life and then glanced at the clock. Still, he wasn't there and it was five to.

I was getting annoyed, he didn't seem like the tardy kind but then again, what did I really know about him... I got out of the car, I guessing I would be first into the meeting, much to my unsettled stomach.

I came to the door and walked in to see the secretary at her lonely desk in the bare office.

“Morning!” She chirped.

I fumbled with my bag over my shoulder, “Hi... I'm just here...”

“Yep, no, I know.” She smiled, “Already down the hall in the meeting room, they're waiting for you.”

They? I stared at her, “Uh... they?”
“Mmhmm. Down the hall on the left.” She nodded.

I turned around behind me and looked again, there was no other vehicle... and then there, across the street, in front of the damn ambulance station was his white pick-up truck!

Shit! I turned back to her, “Great...” My voice was tapering off now.

She stilled smiled at me, waiting for me to walk forward, “Do you want me to show you...”

“No.” I said quickly and stared down the hall. My wish coming true of being the last one to arrive. My vision began to narrow as I got closer to the open door and then I heard laughter.

He'd been in the office the entire time. He wasn't tardy. He was... Ean.

My footsteps got slower and slower till I was right outside the frame of the door.

“It's five after...”

My body froze as I heard his voice.

Rick agreed, “They're city folk...”

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