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I walked across the street once the ambulance was gone. I was unsure how it had all happened, it sort of seemed like a train-wreck and then he was just, gone.

Rick was outside the reality office and I felt like I had wasted his time, and since I hated when people wasted my time, I could feel my guilt.

“Hey, Rick.” I said softly.

Rick arched an eyebrow, “Do you know Ean?”

I nodded my head in admittance, “Yeah, sort of...” Not like I knew him that well.

Rick was genuinely confused, “He'll be back soon. We can finish up then.”

“Honestly,” I paused, “There's likely not much to finish up. I'm...”

“You have a deposit down.”

“You're really going to have to talk to Ean about it, I'm not sure if he'll be wanting to sell it to me further.”

“He's in a contract.” Rick reminded.

I nodded, not really wanting to argue that I could easily get us both out that contract.

“Well, are we waiting for him?”

“I can do the rest over the phone and email.” I assured him and walked towards my beamer.

“Alright, I'll give you call later...”

I didn't let him talk further, I needed somewhere to sit in silence, luckily that would come inside my car as I drove to his house. Pulling down the drive, I noticed how much the snow had melted in the few weeks since I'd been there. The promise of spring obviously coming forth, much to my surprise. I figured there was snow up there all year round.

I stopped the car in front of his house and then paused everything, cut the engine, my breathing and even wishing I could stop my heart.

I leaned back in my leather seat and looked over the beautiful log home. I knew nothing about log homes but now, I was really starting to see the needed craftsmanship to seemingly build them.

I finally started to get a chill and it took me from me car, I moved to the front door and could smell the soft scent of wood burning.

My hand reached to the brass door fixtures and with great heart palpitations, I opened it. My eyes caught a glimpse with my hesitation and then I widened it enough to step inside. My feet hitting the wood floors and then there I was, again, in Ean Hunter's bushman resort.

I swallowed and closed the door, wanting to lock away the cool wind as soon as possible. I bent down and started to take off my leather heeled boots. Once I was out of those, I discarded my jacket but then I was at a loss. I didn't want to make myself at home – even though it was sort of my home. I shook my head at those thoughts and walked towards the fireplace, wanting direct warmth.

I stared at the low embers burning and then found myself sitting to the couch to watch it burn. Memories of Christmas flashed in my mind, more specifically Ean on top of me. I swallowed, wondering where it happened, what time... maybe it was combination of a few times. I wrinkled my nose at my thoughts, I really was losing it. Wanting to know the point of my impregnation was ridiculous!

I got stir crazy as close to half an hour passed and stood, adjusting my slightly too big pants and then I began to snoop. Not like I could help myself at that point, his house was easily snoop-able. He didn't hide anything. I found myself with the need to relieve my bladder and I was back in his clean, well designed washroom. It was worse staring at the shower though.

“I'm such an idiot...” I walked out back into the hall, wiping my damp hands on my thighs as my eyes caught the room across from me.

I remembered the piles of things, the memories he'd banished to the room. Curiosity peaked on what he'd done with it for the showings and so I did it, I opened it. Again, hoping it would reveal something better this time.

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