It begins

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"Gengar cursed Weavile..."

"Hehehe~ finally figured it out?" Gengar chuckles while his eyes flickers with wonder. Umbreon backs up slightly as Gengar jumps down from where he was standing. "Seems like she failed to bring me the pink rat.." Gengar mutters before rustling came from beside him. Gengar smirks while he watches the two back away. Weavile emerges out of the bushes and stood next to Gengar, ready to take an order. Espeon's mouth trembles as the words slipped out of her mouth. "B-B-B-B-B-...... BLOOD!" She said as cries poured from her eyes. Indeed, Weavile's claws were no longer bleach white but an ugly dark red as it dripped from the tips of her claws. Umbreon's eyes widen as Weavile lifted his claws up to her face and licks off some blood with a smirk. "Your dirty little one~" Gengar points out before chuckling making Weavile scoff at him. "Not my fault. Some yellow rat wouldn't get out of the way." Weavile growls with a smirk making Espeon burst into sobs. Umbreon bares is teeth and steps forward. "I'VE HAVE ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" Umbreon howls in angrily and charges at Gengar with a bite. His mouth quickly latched onto Gengar's arm making him screech in pain and swung his arm around that Umbreon was attached to.

Espeon watches in horror and steps back while Weavile watches her closely. Gengar slams Umbreon against a dead tree out of pure anger but Umbreon still hung on weakly as blood trickled over his eye. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU IDIOT! KILL THAT RAT!" Gengar yells at Weavile before craning his face close to Umbreon's face. "I'll kill you personally~" He hisses and rips Umbreon off of him and lunged at him.

Weavile slowly crept forward making Espeon steps back each step Weavile took. Weavile cries out and slashes at Espeon but she swiftly jumped to the side and started to run while Weavile huffs annoyed and runs after her. Espeon pants as she creates tight turns and jumps to get Weavile off of her tail but with Weavile's speed, there was just no way. I'm just wasting my energy Espeon growls at herself before skidding to a stop but jumps away so she didn't crash into the charging Weavile. Weavile dug her claws into the dirt so she could slow down and twisted her body to face Espeon. Weavile bares her claws and charges at Espeon with great speed as her claws darken. Espeon closes her eyes and breathes out slowly and suddenly disappears quickly. Weavile's eyes widen as he shadow collided with the dirt. She looks around for the pink pokemon only for her to be pushed roughly to the ground with a cry. Espeon pants as she steps away from the angered pokemon. She scowls at Weavile and stands in a fighting stance.

"Umbreon is mine and I'll fight for him..."

Almost like Romeo and Juliet~ An Umbreon X Espeon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now