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Today was today, the day you were returning to Overwatch.

You woke up at 8:49am and quickly prepared to leave, packing clothes, your pistol, and everything else needed to be part of an illegal vigilante group.

9:08, crap still gotta wait. You spent the last hour eating and watching the news, more about Talon and the second Omnic Crisis in Russia. But that's why you decided to come back, right? The real reason you were returning was Lena, no matter how long wouldn't admit it.

A loud familiar buzz was heard outside, and then a knock on your door.

An Overwatch pilot stood at your door, he nervously said "A-agent (Y/N), your dropship is outside and ready."

"Great, am I your only passenger?" You asked, hoping to be reuniting with a certain British pilot on the ship.

"Yes sir/ma'am. You're my only pickup."

"Well lets get moving, times a wasting!"

The dropship was surprising empty, clearly it had not been used since the fall.

Just you and thoughts, all the way until Gibraltar. Not a good thing in your book.

Not wanting to waste any time you pulled out your phone to open up some space, while the pilot took off.

Your images were a good place to start, a couple of albums were quickly deleted, HS Graduation, Hunting Trip, Family Christmas 207X. Family.

You instantly regretted cleaning up your phone, as you were hit with the recent memories of when you lost it all.


Some of the old members of Overwatch and their families had been murdered, but you weren't worried. They had you to protect them.

Of all the things you regret doing, the main one is getting ice. Ice.

It was a Christmas family gathering, nothing more, nothing less. Except ice was running low, and most everyone was too young, or too hammered to drive to the store. So you did, leaving your entire family vulnerable for just a couple minutes.

"Hey, ice is here!" you announced, immediately dropping and forgetting about the ice when you saw the scene in front of you.

The person who had done this clearly had no care in the world, leaving their used shotguns on the floor, among the many dead bodies. Reaper

Everyone you loved was dead, and it was all your fault.


You were crying, again. Now you remembered how after six years you had only just returned to the thought of Lena. You were broken and only one person could help you.

The worst part was that you blamed yourself, should have been there.

Whoever he was, you were going to kill Reaper. No matter the cost.

After a long period of calming yourself down, you arrived at the Watchpoint.

"Bringing er down!" the pilot called from his cockpit.

"Good," you said as you stood and walked toward his cockpit. When ship landed you shook his hand, "thank you."

"J-just doing my job."

You exited the dropship to be faced the familiar surroundings. You made your way to the HQ/Winston's lab. Hesitantly, you opened the door.

"Y/N, you're here!" the gorilla called from his office area, exiting from a new found hole in the glass.

"Y/N!" you heard Lena call, after a familiar blue flash she was in front of you hugging you. Of course you leaned into it, it was something you missed too much. "It's been too long!"

"It has hasn't it, one question, why the giant whole in the window?" You said as you both pulled away.

The gorilla spoke up, "Reaper and Talon."

The mere mention of that name made your blood boil with hatred, Lena noticed this.

"Ya alright love?" her speech alone brought you back down to Earth.

"Y-yeah, just need to get settled back in here."

"Well, it is kind of late. Tomorrow we will have all our Agents here and we can discus our plans. For now get some rest." said Winston, "old rooms sound good?"

"S-sounds great, see ya guys tomorrow." you quickly said wanting to get out of their before further questioning from Lena.

Thoughts of Lena filled you head as you got unpacked, her smile, face, body, hair, all of it.

Put simply, you didn't sleep well that night.

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