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Darkness. It was everywhere. Only one thing lit up the darkness, a dim blue light, and it was dying out. 

As you walked closer you recognized the light as Lena. She was bleeding, and a man had a shotgun to her head.

A skull faced man, dressed in all black, held the gun.


You woke up in tears, not realizing what had happened was a dream. It was not a dream, but a nightmare.

This of course woke Lena, who was sleeping on your shoulder. She had a look of worry on her face.

"Y/N. What's wrong? Nightmare?"

You nodded, still weeping.

"Wanna talk bout it?"

"It was *sniffle* terrible, I thought I lost you."

She hugged you tight, and you returned the embrace. "Lost me? I would never leave you Y/N."

"No, I mean you *sniffle* w-were shot, in front of me."

"Oh my god. It's okay i'm here."

You soon calmed down, and pulled away from Lena. "S-sorry, it's jus-"

"It's fine Y/N, I never knew you cared this much about me."

"I do, a-and I love you."

"I love you too."

The base speakers turned on (I still don't know what they are called!) "Agents, we have a mission tomorrow, everyone come to HQ." announced Winston.

"Well, lets go then." Lena said as she got up.

"Right behind ya."

You arrived at the HQ, everyone else had already arrived. 

"Good morning everyone, after looking over the intel we gathered we have determined Talon will try to steal the doomfist from the Numbani Museum tomorrow. If they get their hands on this weapon the damage could be catastrophic. Tracer, Y/N, and myself will protect the doomfist itself, while everyone else stops any Talon from entering the museum." said Winston.

Solider spoke up, "I will be leading the outer defenses. So everyone with me we got some training to do, follow me."

Everyone but you, Tracer, and Winston left the HQ.

"So, we gotta plan?" You asked him.

"Defend the doomfist, and get the people out if Talon gets in."

"Sounds good.. oh, I think Tracer's key isn't working or something."

"W-what, oh, m-my key works fine." Lena nervously said as her face lit up red.

"But last nigh-" She put her hand over your mouth. 

"Sorry Winston, b-be right back. Bye." She pulled you out of the HQ.

"Lena? What was that?"

"I u-uh kinda lied about the key thing last night."

"To sleep with me?"

"Y-yeah." She said, scratching the back of her neck, "I didn't want you to think I was weird or something."

You started laughing a little, "You should've just asked, it's not weird. I get it though, I probably couldn't have brought myself to ask that either."

"Thanks, for understanding."

You both reentered the HQ, and Winston gave you both an odd look. "Okay then... We have a mission to prepare for." The ape said. 

"Let's get to it then!"

~ (le timeskipo)

The plan was practically drilled into your head. Get in, get everyone out, protect the fist. The training was nothing too difficult, and you and Lena were walking back to your room. You were worried about the mission, and once again you head filled with terrible thoughts.

"You okay love?"

"U-uh, no. I guess i'm worried about tomorrow's mission."

"I think I know how to take your mind off of that~"

"And how would you do that?"

"Let me show you~"


This lemon gonna be next chapter, it's gonna be my first so don't judge too harshly.

There will be a male and female version, both the same except- well you know.


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