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Surprisingly, you slept well that night. But the morning alarm woke you with a shock, it would clearly take some time to get used to the old schedule.

Not five minutes after you got up the PA thingy went off (sorry idk what its called in the military).

"Everyone, we will be meeting in the HQ in 10 minutes, our new and old agents have arrived." said Winston.

That means Lena would be there. You were hit with happiness, but also anxiety. What if she didn't return my feelings? You managed to bully yourself into waiting to ask her, forgetting how you had longed for her.

You got dressed, dragged yourself out of your room, and made your way to the HQ.

Many new members were there, such as Lucio, D.Va and Zarya. Also most of the older members had returned, Reinhardt, Torbjorn (who had managed to recruit a bastion unit), and Solider 76, who revealed himself as the fallen Jack Morrison. You greeted those you knew, and introduced yourself to the newer members.

Lena saw you and blinked over too you. "Hey Y/N, listen. I need to talk to you when-"

She was cut off by Winston clearing his throat to get the attention of the team. "Good morning everyone, i'm sure you've already met one another so i'll be brief. Basically our main concerns are Talon and the second Ominic Crisis in Russia, we know how the Ominics will play out, but we know little of Talon. 76 has given us the location of a small Antarctica base of theirs, we should be able to attack and get some intel. We will leave tomorrow at 6am sharp."

As if on sync both you and Lena groaned at the thought of getting up that early. The team looked at you both and laughed, you both put your heads down, hiding your blushing.

Jack spoke up, "Alright calm down, you're dismissed. Go and get ready."

She quietly spoke, "Meet me at the training range." and left with the rest of the team.

What would Lena need to talk to me about? You thought as you left and headed for the training range. When you arrived Lena was blinking around firing at the bots. When you got closer you realized she was crying while she did it.

"Uhh Lena, you oka-"

She blinked to you in a second, "i'm sorry, it was my fault. *sniff* I should ave been there."

"What? You didn't do anything."

"YES I DID! I watched you get shot at the Swiss base, I should ave saved ya. Instead you got taken home, and I never got the chance to give ya my number or anything. I've been a mess without ya Y/N."

You hugged her as she cried into your shoulder. "Shh-h, its okay. I'm here now. I never knew you cared about me this much."

"I do, really. I've been meaning to ask you something."

"So have I, say on 3?"


What if she doesn't love me?


She clearly cares about me, but...


Oh, fuck it


On sync you both said "I lo-"

"Get off each-other! Gotta train for the mission tomorrow!"said a loud voice, it belonged to Solider. "Y/N, get practicing with ice-stuff..." You blocked the rest out, so fucking close, you and Lena separated and begun training for the mission ahead.

~ (le timeskip)

You laid in bed that night, wondered what she wanted to ask you. Maybe she was gonna ask me too! You wanted to go see her, but it was already 11pm, and you had to get up in 7 hours. Still, you couldn't get Lena out of your head.

Eventually you forced yourself to sleep, images of Lena in your head.


Any thoughts? This is legit my first book and i'm not sure how i'm doing. Thanks!

xoxo ~Seal

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