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You woke up in a hospital room, an empty hospital room. You suddenly heard two pairs of footsteps approaching, the door was opened to reveal Mercy and Lena.

"Lena, I know, but he's not leaving till he's awak- Oh, he is awake, I guess he can leave then."


"Lena? What happened?"

"You passed out, your powers. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah. So we- I can leave then."

"Yes, your dismissed, but I need to speak to you, doctor to patient." Spoke Angela, as she looked at Tracer.

"I'll make myself scarce then."

"Thank you Lena." said Mercy as Lena left the room, "Y/N, I took the liberty to perform a quick check up after you fainted. You know, to check for injuries after the mission." She gulped, "Y-your wrists, why?"

"I-I uh," You hesitated, not knowing how to explain why you had done what you did, "honestly life was pain after Overwatch disbanded, but i'm happy now I swear. I'm with Lena now."

"But Lena, s-she needs to know."

"I know, but I would only bring her pain, I don't wanna bring down happy Lena with something that's pointless now."

"I know, it's just. I don't know, just doesn't seem right," she sighed, "But i'll keep quiet about it."

"Thanks Angela, you don't know how much this means to me."

"Your free to go."

You exited the room and saw Lena speaking with McCree.

"-they're not injured then? Good, I was worried they were hurt whe- Well, speak of the devil." said McCree, "Congrats on the mission, wish I could've been there but ya know, 76 and Winston didn't think I was gonna be too helpful."

"Thanks man. Lena, can we get something to eat, i'm starving."

"Sure love, catch ya later McCree."

"See ya guys."

After a few minutes of walking you arrived at the cafe. Got some F/F (favorite food or insert whatever) and sat down with Lena. "S-so are we like a thing now, I mean that wasn't a dream or nothing."

"Of course it wasn't a dream, Y/N I love you!"

"Wow uh, I love you too."

"Oh god Y/N! I'm so glad we're finally together, I missed you so much after the fall of Overwatch."

"I missed you too," You thought back to your family, "so where's Reaper."

"Don't tell me your thinking about going after him again."

"I'm not, i'm over it, just curious if I actually managed to kill the guy."

"Handed him over to the UN, there allowing us to counting operations too!"

"Wow, that's awesome. But I kinda liked the whole illegal vigilante thing, brought some fun to the job."

She giggled at your joke, god how her giggle made your heart open. "Yeah, but now we don't have to worry about being arrested."

"Yep, that'll be nice. You up for some training after this?"

"Sure, 10 bucks says I can kill more bots than you."

"Your on."

You practically teleported out of your chair, while she literally teleported out of hers. She won the race to the training area, but soon you were both locked in a battle versus the helpless training bots.

~ (timeskip)

You both had killed many bots, but you had won, barely.

The both of you had trained till late, and you both were tired, the usage of your powers had not helped either.

"G-night love!" Lena said, attempting to unlock her door. "Crap, key won't work, ave to go wake Winston up then. He's not gonna be happy bout that."

"You k-know you could just, like, sleep in my room." You said, stuttering.

"Oh, that's a great idea, thanks Y/N!"

"Yeah," You opened the door to a slightly messy F/C (fav color or insert whatever) room, you had a queen sized bed, and a couple Overwatch posters on the walls. "Sorry bout the mess."

"Don't sweat it, mine is worse. A lot worse."

A/N: I'm trying to make this like gender neutral, so i'll be making 2 different lemons btw, so your just in your boxers or panties and bra. K thx.

After you had undressed you tried not to stare at Lena as she did the same. Your face was redder than it had ever been.

"Y-you know love, you d-don't have a reason to be embarrassed anymore."

"I-I know, wait, your blushing too!"

"Umm, y-yeah. Just proves we love each other, right?"

"Yeah I guess so," You laid down and Lena did the same. 

She kissed you and told you, "Love you Y/N."

"I love you too." She rested her head on your shoulder and soon fell asleep.

You put your arm around her and fell asleep as well, finally you had gotten over everything, and found happiness.

Should Have - Tracer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now