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The first mission of the new Overwatch, despite having been with Overwatch before, you were worried. But not about yourself. Mainly for a time traveling, dual pistol welding woman.

You knew Lena, you knew she was a good agent. But yet, you still knew you couldn't live with yourself if you let something happen to her.

However, you had a job to do, keeping the world safe.

The plan was simple, kill the baddies, get the intel, and blow shit up.

Two dropships, two teams. Team One would bring the heat and start the attack, while Team Two would get the intel and blow up the base.

The base was a basic design, with barracks and an HQ inside. Two large gates, on both sides of the base, acted as entrances and exits.

Team One was you, Reinhardt, Solider, Lucio, and D.va. Team Two had Winston, Genji, Pharah, Mercy, and Lena.

You hated not being on her team, not since you worked well together, but because you were worried for her.

Thoughts of what if flooded your mind during the long flight, but you were alert when the ship took a shot.

"Jesus," said 76, "Pilot, get that shield up."

"Yes sir, bringing her down in the heat, get ready."

You adsorbed a part of a nearby steel chair, "I'll pay for that later 76, for now lets do this!" You announced. The team cheered.

The ship landed into the ice and snow, you instantly became under fire.

"Reinhardt, shield up. Pilot, get this door open. Lets open up a path for Team Two." Solider 76 ordered.

As the door opened, it became clear that Talon wasn't going to give up their base easy, but you had fought against worst odds

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As the door opened, it became clear that Talon wasn't going to give up their base easy, but you had fought against worst odds.

You fired small metal shards at the enemy, you took out a couple enemies, but Reinhardt's shield was giving out. Without his shield you would have no cover, so you acted, constructing some steel cover for the team.

"Thank you my friend." said Reinhardt as he threw a firestrike over your makeshift barrier.

"Yeah, good-thinking Y/N." complemented Lucio.

"Alright, lets charge this base." said Jack as Team Two landed behind your ship. Your team emerged from cover and made quick work of the remaining outside defenses. However one problem remained, the large entrance gate still stood.

"Ha, child's play," said Reinhardt as he charged the gate, busting it wide open. He quickly regretted his actions, stating "I'm getting to old for this.."

"Team Two! Take the right flank and get to the HQ, should be in the center. We'll keep em distracted." said Solider.

After a few minutes of charging towards the HQ, you realized the Talon troops were running the same direction, retreating.

"We should let em run, HQ's right up ahead anyway." You suggested

"Agreed," Said D.va, "let's just blow this place up already."

Both Teams surrounded the base, "Well, what's the plan now?" You asked 76.

"A few might have taken refuge inside, Tracer will go in and check it out before we introduce ourselves."

"But sir, i'll do-"

"No buts, shes the most agile."

"I'll be fine Y/N, besides you're probably getting tired after using your powers so much." said Lena.

"I guess you're right, just be careful." you gave in.

She flashed in and after a few worrisome minutes, she returned.

"Nobody, except Reaper trying to call comms."

Reaper, you felt yourself losing your mind, you had to get revenge. You adsorbed some snow and opened the door to the HQ.

"Wait! Y/N what are you doin-"you heard Lena call as you froze the doors shut.

Your earpiece turned on, "Solider, get back here. This isn't your fight alone-" said 76. You took the piece and broke it, dropping the broken pieces to the ground.

You quickly found the comms room, seeing a lone Reaper trying to call for support. "It's Overwatch, I can't take them out alone, get some troops here."

"Ahem," you announced your presence.

"If it isn't the L/N who got away, didn't expect you to still be living after losing all that."

"You motherfucker, why did you k-kill them?!" You said in a loud angry tone.

"Don't worry, you'll be joining them soon." Reaper took a pair of shotguns out of his coat.

"Not today," You shot him several well placed icicles, but he was still standing.

"It'll take more than a couple popsicles to kill me."

He tried to use his wraith abilities, but before he could, you froze his body, minus his head.

"I'll ask again, WHY!"

"I'll send them your regards." Reaper said.

Now you were angry, you walked up to him, and begun punching him in the face, over and over. His skull mask soon fell off, reveling him to be Gabriel Reyes. You didn't care, too blinded by fury.

"That's it, *cough* let the anger consume you."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." You were crying, but you were only punching harder, getting blood on your hands.

You heard footsteps, but still did not care. "Y/N, Y/N, we broke the do-, what the fu- Gabe? Get them off him." Solider 76 ordered.

You were being pulled back, you tried to escape, but Reinhardt had a strong grip on you, pulling you out of the room. "Lena, get him under control." He said.

You we're propped against the wall, you looked at your hands. Blood, what did I do, i'm a monster. "Y/N, look at me. What was that about?" That voice.


"Yes, it's me. Why are you crying?"

"That fucker killed everyone I loved, look what i've done," You said, looking down on your bloody hands, "i'm no better than him."

"You're a hero! Remember in Overwatch, we saved many lives."

She was right, but still, you had no one. "You're right, but now I have no family, no one."

"You have me! Y/N, Overwatch is family."

You pulled her into a hug, "You're right, i'm sorry. I should have told you about Reaper."

"It's fine, listen i've been meaning to ask you something."

"Same, Lena listen, I think i'm in lo-

"Y/N, I love you."

She loved you, you were so happy inside, forgetting everything. "You do?"

"Y-yes, I uhh understand if y-"

You pulled her into a kiss which she happily returned, "I love you too Lena."

She was bright red, yet again so were you, but you both no longer had a reason to be embarrassed.

You were fading, having overused your powers you fell asleep in Lena's arms. Happy.

Should Have - Tracer x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu