Don't You Remember

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"From today onwards you are Grim Reapers, a punishment for escaping your mortal lives before scheduled. You won't remember dates, names or places of your previous lives, it will be as if watching them without your glasses on. I expect hard work from each and every one of you until the day you're forgiven. If you have any issues, speak to me at the end."

It was ironic, William T. Spears thought as he sat staring off into the distance. Ironic that a reaper who had terrible eyesight even compared to most other reapers, was the one reaper in the entire London office who remembered every minute of his past. It was like watching a cinematic record to him. Ironic that the most rule-bound, professional known to – well anyone really – had never told anyone, never asked for his memory to be wiped. After all, suicidal maniacs tend not to make the best employees, that's why the memory wipe happened in the first place. Not that half of the dispatch division weren't maniacs anyway. Not that William was suicidal. No, he was just a respectable business man.

He was busy contemplating the humour in his situation whilst he sat staring at the ceiling in the corner of the overcrowded staff room. A staff room filled with drunk Grim Reapers at only 7pm of course. Honestly, that Ronald Knox and his end of term 'celebrations', which involved little other than dimmed lights, drink and lots of hitting on girls which made William feel slightly sick. The air was surprisingly thick and there was the constant urge to yell at people to clean things up or threaten over time. In fact... he could technically still charge overtime after hours if he wanted... no, Knox would kill him for sure. Then who would take charge of these helpless idiots? After a while he became vaguely aware of someone nattering in his ear.

"... Spears-Senpai? Helloooo?" he looked up to see a well-known ginger subordinate waving a hand in his face. "Geez, everyone's zoning out on me today, are you ok?"

"Yes, quite fine." He replied quickly. Possibly still a little on edge from contemplating the way he was not really supposed to exist in the eyes of the higher-ups. Well, his memories, not him himself. "Parties like this aren't really my thing, but Sutcliff wouldn't shut up until I agreed to come."

"hmm, sounds about right," Ronald laughed. "Still, you should really loosen up a bit boss. Couldn't hurt to have a drink or two now and then."

"Considering the state that lot are in I think I'd rather not." He replies indicating to where Grell and Eric were busy messing about with a bunch of imbeciles across the room. Not that the two of them weren't also imbeciles.

"Whatever you say," Ronald laughs glancing over at some girls who were eyeing him up. "Still, Sutcliff-senpai's pretty useful when he's drunk." William raised an eyebrow at this, almost not wanting to know what Knox was thinking. "Wait - I didn't mean... EWW NO!" Ronald exclaimed. "I just meant you can rant stuff to him for hours and he won't remember a thing the next day. Although yeah, useful in other ways. I guess you could be right..." He smiled. William nearly choked.

"Dont be ridiculous Knox."

"Well, the ladies are calling, so I'll have to catch you later, k?" Ronald backed away laughing beneath his breath.

"Make sure you're on time for work tomorrow." The senior reaper called after him knowing full well that he wouldn't hear him. He guessed this would be an appropriate time to head out himself since if what Ronald said was true, Grell wouldn't remember enough to be mad at him for skipping out on the rest of this crazy affair. After all he really wasn't in the mood to be here and the only reason he had shown up in the first place was because this was the one day of the year when he let himself dwell on how much he owed Grell. The red reaper wouldn't remember anyway, so it hardly mattered what he did. He reached the door and took one more glance around the room before heading to his office to fetch his coat.

He looked out into the miserable weather as he prepared to leave. Miserable weather for a miserable day, and miserable memories.

"Will Darling!" came a hyperactive voice from behind. "Penny for your thoughts?!" well despite being the same as always, the red reaper was definitely drunk, the stench of alcohol was clear enough. He was beaming as he leaned against the door frame in a manner that was clearly supposed to be seductive but looked more like he had forgotten how to stand up straight. It couldn't hurt to open up a bit, just this once. If he wouldn't remember a thing... Could it?

{I'm not gonna lie to you, this will probably be updated at absolute s n a i l p a c e. and I apologise for that, but I'm writing it simultaneously with a bunch a black butler boyfriend scenarios which, lets face it, will always be more popular and yet take aaaages. So this will be updated whenever I have spare time (possibly quicker if I keep getting comments asking me to update.) so in advance, sorry. This should be on Quotev and Wattpad so enjoy! And comment your thoughts 😊

Ronald: remember to share the love and like it guys ❤️ }

Forgiveness: Grelliam StoryWhere stories live. Discover now