I Ship it!

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"Ok, I'm just gonna say it." Ronald sighed. His ginger head was between his hands as he continually face palmed into the table. "Is there any reason why you have been giggling like a girl nonstop for at least five minutes now?"

"Firstly, I am a Lady!" Grell protested, flicking a strand of red haired over his shoulder. "Not a little girl. And secondly, that's not really that much time is is?" Grell questioned still beaming like an idiot.

"It is a lot of time when you've been sat watching you act like a happy-go-lucky leprechaun. Want to tell me what's up?" He asked, daring to look up at Grell again who simply burst into giggles all over again. "Not seen you this happy since you thought that weird Sebastian dream was real." He cringed slightly at the memory. That had been a very long day.

"No Ronnie! This is way better than that." He leaned forward to whisper into the ginger's ear. "I kissed William."

Ronald blinked a few times. Either his hearing had gone funny, or Grell was living in some weird alternate universe where everything was opposite to what it meant. Because there was no way that William, William who had practically murdered Grell on more than one occasion, would have ever let Ronnie's crazy red head kiss him.

"You mean you kissed him as in you kissed him? You serious?" He got no reply of course, just more giggles and squeals. He sighed, "such a fan girl." He got up to leave deciding that a) it was a lost cause trying to have any form of decent conversation with Grell, and b) that he really wanted to investigate this a little himself. Who doesn't want to get one over their boss, you know? "Well, deadlines call, I gotta go hand in this paperwork to the boss. I take it you've not even started it yet."

"I HAVE!" The red reaper retorted, "the first page of it anyway..." he smiled, "well, when you run into Will, ask him and he'll tell you I'm not a liar!"

"I'm a realist," Ronnie mocked, although that was exactly what he intended on doing. "I'll only believe it if I see it."


"That never happened." Were the first words out of William's mouth when the question was posed to him. it was a disappointing start to a promising investigation, but Ronald hadn't really expected any less of William. Strategy B then.

"Huh." Ronald laughed, "Guess it was just another of Sutcliff's crazy dreams. That guy seriously has no perception of reality." He said it like he was commenting on the weather which surprisingly angered William a little. Grell didn't have zero reality perception... ok maybe he did but that didn't mean ginger haired brats had to point it out all the time.

While his co-worker chuckled away The dark haired reaper stopped and thought for a minute. Say Ronald visits Grell's office later and tells him he imagined everything. Wouldn't that mean Grell knew William had lied to Knox? Wouldn't that break Grell's heart? Again. It was a lose-lose situation for William and he hated it.

"Wait Knox," he grabbed the ginger's sleeve as he tried to leave the room. Somehow his messed up brain had come to the conclusion that lying to Grell was worse than giving Ronald power to tease him until the end of time. "Grell, might of- maybe- possibly been telling the t-truth." He blushed slightly and turned away. Why had he done that again? Oh right, lose-lose situations stink!

"You serious?" The ginger asked in somewhat genuine amazement. William refused to reply. "Oh death you are!" Ronald covered his mouth with his hand and did a half laughing half questioning in disbelief kind of gesture.

"It was just on the cheek!" Will protested.

"Do you," he paused and searched William's face. Ronald was grinning like a middle school girl. "Like him?" His green eyes were wide with excitement, drinking it all in.

"That, I believe, has nothing to do with it." He replied regaining his composure. "Besides, Knox you started this whole farce by being convinced Sutcliff couldn't remember all the stuff you tell him when he's drunk!" Will accused trying to divert the attention away from himself.

"Wait, WHAT?!" He frowned. "What did he tell you? Nothing about certain ex girlfriends I may or may not have slept with right?!"

"Nothing," Will smiled, although sort of wished Ronald had just kept his mouth shut since getting involved in his love affairs too was more of a headache than it was worth. "But if this ends up in any more of a mess, I will be giving you overtime for it."

"Not fair!" The ginger protested. "I was only tying to help you, geez!" He grinned. "Still, now you gotta tell me all the juicy details at least!"

Will frowned, "What are you Knox, a six year old girl? We're at work not a sleep over!" He said reiterating his thoughts from earlier. Knox chuckled,

"Fine, but we're having a work party at my place next week," he said handing his boss a slip of paper, "you at least gotta show."

"You at least gotta clear out before I give you any overtime!" Will glared at his coworker. "And I'm not telling you anything as there is nothing to tell!"

"Ok..." Ronald walked to the door before turning back and grinning. "But I totally ship you guys."

"KNOX!" Will shook his head in despair before thinking to himself, What the hell does ship mean?!

Couldn't hurt to show up though, could it? Well he guessed considering everything else that had happened chances were it could but once you've hit rock bottom you can't get any worse. And it wasn't all that bad... after all, Sutcliff - no, Grell was a nice person most of the time... yeah, he was nice.

{short chapter but honestly me uploading anything is a miracle at the moment.

Ronald: share the love guys ❤️}

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