Demonic Distractions

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The first thing William T. Spears did when he got into work the next day, fully recovered from emotional stress (or so he liked to believe) was go over to Grell's office. He didn't know what he was going to say when he got there but figured it was one of those situations where the more you planned it the more there was to go wrong. Maybe he should have planned something though, because his heart seemed to be beating at triple it's normal speed as he headed down the mostly grey and uninteresting corridor. 

Near the end of the corridor was a sudden burst of red in the form of a non-regulation crimson painted office door, the words 'Miss Sutcliff' printed across the top. Now that he thought about it he probably should be doing more to respect Grell's decision to be referred to as 'miss'. He didn't quite understand it but he didn't see any reason not to accept it. A bit like he had eventually accepted that no matter how many times he penalised him - no, her! - about the door she had still refused to reprint it. Somehow coming to this realisation had calmed him down a little, not much, but a little.

Eventually after many minutes of deep breaths and building up courage he knocked on the door.

"Grell? Can I speak to you a moment?" There was no reply. "Grell, please?!" Still nothing. He waited for nearly ten minutes, resulting in a few odd glances from passing Reapers, the whole ordeal making him want to disappear again. With a heavy heart he eventually turned away and wandered back to his own office.

So Grell didn't want to talk to him. It wasn't a big deal... ok it was killing him! But he could hardly blame her. He wouldn't want to talk to himself in her position either. Didn't stop him feeling like crap though.

When he reached his office he looked at his pile of unfinished paperwork and chose to ignore it in favour of rearranging his paper clip collection. He was just beginning to categorise the red plastic ones from smallest to largest when there was a sharp knock on his door followed by a neat brown head of hair hidden behind a stack of paper bobbing into the room.

"Oh, Humphries," he nodded briefly at the young reaper before gesturing to the left hand corner of his desk. "Just leave it there," with the paperwork dumped Alan smiled and turned to leave.


"Yes boss?" He inclined his head to the side, a slight nervousness flickering in his eyes.

"You're friends with Sutcliff right?" He asked.

"Umm, I guess so." He still looked nervous, but now he looked confused as well. "Why? If it's about that sleep over of Ronnie's I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I mean..."

"No it's not, don't worry so much." The boy stopped stuttering but still seemed worried about his chances survival inside of the office. "I was just wondering if you would pass on a message for me, she seems to be avoiding me."

"Oh, yes sir." Something about the sentence seemed to make him relax more, but William didn't have a clue what it was.

"Just tell her I would like to talk, whenever she's ready."

"Sure! And sir?" Will nodded letting Alan continue. "If you don't mind me asking, what made you think she's avoiding you?"

"I went down to her office earlier and she... umm... kind of refusedtoopenthedoor." He mumbled the last bit at the table as he looked down and away from Alan's gaze. Once again he wasn't sure why he was embarrassed/upset but it felt like he had failed his job if he couldn't even get his subordinates to open the door.

"Umm... sir," Alan looked like he was on the verge of laughing a little. "That's because Sutcliff has been out of office all day." This made William breathe a silent breath of relief. "I think he's visiting the Phantomhive manor or something again... oh wait, I wasn't supposed to tell you that..." and with that the reaper dashed out the door and down in the direction of the staff room.

"Damn that butler." William groaned. "I so wish I had clearance to kill him!" There was little he could do about it though.

"Grell get OUT!" There was a smoky blackness spreading up the walls but the red haired reaper simply smirked.

"But Bassy! I only just got here," she protested playfully. "Surely you wouldn't be opposed to spending some time with an innocent maiden in distress?" She batted her eyelids at him and he looked for a moment like he might puke.

"I have personally seen you dissect several people with that infernal death scythe of yours," Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "By no stretch of the imagination could you be referred to as innocent. Now get out! The young master and I have cases to deal with and we can't have nosy reapers getting in the way."

"Aww, but I'm off duty. Surely a Reaper and a demon can learn to love and appreciate each other! Must we always be such fierce enemies?!" Grell pouted knowing this was a lost cause.


"Hmph! Fine, goodbye my darling Sebastian!" So much for a distraction from the mess her life had become these last few weeks. She hadn't wanted much, just a little practice for her acting skills and a chance to run off some pent up energy in battle. But she had neither the strength or the will to bother Sebastian for long and eventually complied with his request. At this rate it was going to be a tough year at the dispatch. Surely a little time, a little space and Will and Grell could return to their age long dance of cat and mouse. But deep in Grell's heart she knew, she couldn't bear to have everything return to normal. She was tired of chasing and never once catching.

[how's it going? How's your day been? Enjoying work/school at the mo? I feel like I don't ask you guys how your life is often enough so there :) have a nice day guys.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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