Cliffs, Tips and a Single Kiss

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William was jerked suddenly from his unscheduled nap by the rather terrifying sound of splitting wood. He hadn't of course meant to fall asleep again but that was the way it was. The peaceful rural setting and the warm summer sun had tricked him out of consciousness. Now awake, he glanced to the side, afraid to move, and spotted the source of the noise in the form of a quivering red chainsaw stuck in the side of the century old tree. He almost felt sorry for the tree, but was a little too distracted by the river of red marching past him and sitting down angrily at the edge of the cliff. It was surprising for two reasons, one he was utterly unsure how Grell had ended up at this particular cliff (probably coincidence... he hoped) and two, how on earth had he not been noticed?! Grell had literally walked straight past him and not even acknowledged his presence. Gentlemen in suits with deathscythes at their side didn't exactly blend into trees that well. He was a Grim Reaper, not a chameleon.

"Stupid little-! Ugh!" Grell groaned chucking a rock over the edge in frustration. "I'd kill that kid if I didn't owe him for that issue in Birmingham. Honestly, I swear to never act like a forgetful drunk again." William's breath caught. 'Forgetful drunk' 'act' the words swam around in his head, ricocheting off the sides of his skull. So Sutcliff knew, he knew everything and now William had ruined his life all over again. He had to say something

"I wonder," Grell said quietly. The tone of his voice somehow stopping William from revealing himself for that second. "Does he still love her? I always loved her, she called be big sister and would talk to me for hours about anything and everything. So Spida was your name, huh? I'm sorry I never told you I loved Will too. I couldn't help it, he loves you and I just couldn't ruin that."

"I don't." Will whispered almost without realising. When he got no response he repeated himself a little louder. Clearly loud enough. The red head spun around at record speed, turning to glare at him.


"I don't still love her." He said "I never truly did."

"How dare y-!" Obviously Grell was the protective older brother type, although he probably could have figured that out from the way he died.

"Demon." He interrupted. "She died because she sold her soul to a god damned demon, I watched it kill her, the very day we got married on. I don't still love her, I never truly did. But I still hate demons for what they did to her. Is that strange?"

"No, I guess not." Grell replied quietly as he thought it over, "I doubt anything else you say could surprise me now. Her wish was to marry you right?" He looked up slightly, strands of red shielding his eyes.

"Yes." Will grabbed the handle of his scythe and began drawing pointlessly in the dirt to avoid eye contact. Then he kicked at the dirt as he realised that he had been writing Grell's name.

"I'm surprised I didn't try that," Grell laughed feebly, "looks like us Sutcliff's all have a thing for you. I guess that explains why you'll never love me." He didn't seem particularly bothered by the statement, as if it was a fact of life instead of a bitter truth.

"I can't love you, Grell." Will smiled ruefully. "I know I'm trying to save you but I don't know if I can even do that! It's stressful feeling like a whole persons life is all your fault. And before I ever love anyone I have to love myself, don't I? And I can't. It's like I'm falling further from reality every day, like I need to save myself and bring myself back, before I ever feel anything for anyone. And I can't because of this guilt. I'm sorry, but you're right. I will never love you Grell."

"I know," he replied. He leaned up and tried to kiss Will on the cheek. The reaper dodged and took a step back, his foot catching on a loose rock. He felt himself slip but did nothing. He merely smiled as he fell down into the abyss, long repressed memories surfacing at last. And he fell, knowing full well he would survive anyway considering the whole immortality thing. But it was nice to dream...

Suddenly his fall jolted to a stop and he opened his eyes to see a flow of red hair and a pair of green eyes staring down at him. Red painted fingernails dug into his wrist.

"But you are silly Will," he laughed happily as he clung to the brunette's arm. "'cause it's not your job to save yourself. Saving you will always be my task."

William hung there in awe for a moment unable to comprehend it. Like chains had been cut away from him... Grell actually cared! He'd always said he loved William but it was hard to believe with all the outrageous flirting and over dramatics. And even if he knew deep down that the reaper was always telling the truth, it felt like the first time he noticed all over again. Grell cared about him, and what was more he was acting completely chilled, as if it was meant to be like this, as if Will wasn't dangling over a cliff edge. Oh damn! The cliff! He gripped Grell's hand a little tighter.

"Well come on!" Grell snapped, reverting back to the usual outrageous person he was. "I can't hold you forever!" Will apologised quickly and clambered back onto the cliff with what minimal amount of grace he could muster. They stood face to face for a while, Grell beaming and William just staring. He felt Grell lace their fingers together, their faces so close he could feel the other's breath. He so nearly closed the gap between them despite all that he had said and fell back into his dream. JSo nearly.

"Sorry," he whispered stepping back. "I-I have paperwork to do." William stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to trudge back down the path.

"No worries Will Darling!" Grell smiled throwing his arms around his crush, who did not dodge this time, "I know you'll love me eventually." Will allowed himself the tiniest smile.

"Thank you Grell, for everything." He said quietly. A pair of lips pressed against his cheek probably leaving a lipstick stain which he would be forced to wash off later.

"Like I said, no worries darling!" The red reaper beamed and the other blushed.

'Maybe one day Grell,' he told himself, 'Maybe one day.'

{thoughts so far??? Please comment if you have time, even if it's just a :) or something.}

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