Happy One Hundredth Death Day

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The two reapers sat down face to face in William's office and Grell looked at his 'friend' expectantly. William sighed, almost unable to believe what he was about to do.

"It's kind of a long story..." he started, half in hope that Grell would say he couldn't be bothered to listen. He didn't though, in fact he remained unusually silent. "It all started in the countryside not far from London, a girl of no particular status named Spida lived there. A strange name I guess, but her parents seemed to have a thing for strange names. Anyway, this girl lived with her brother near the residence of a wealthy young business man whom she had fallen quite deeply in love with. One summer, she ran into him in the street and he instantly fell for her. On the day of their wedding though, she collapsed suddenly from seemingly unknown reasons only just after she had said her vows. Both her brother and new husband were devastated." He paused for a minute and looked down at the desk to avoid the bright eyes of the redhead. "On the day of her funeral, both men found themselves standing at the edge of a cliff together. The brother had to watch as his friend jumped off without a consideration for how that might make him feel, and consequently lead to both their deaths." He found the strength to look up at the shocked face. "the names and places mean nothing, but you remember that story don't you Grell?" the reaper continued to stare at him.

"H-how did you- how can you know how I died?" he stuttered. "t-that's not possible, is it? I-I mean, I always knew that man would be here somewhere, b-but I never- it was you?" the poor thing seemed completely uncomprehending and shocked. As strange as it might seem, death could be a touchy subject for reapers.

"I don't know how much you remember, having never forgotten myself, but I know I'm not the man I used to be." He explained.

"Why? Why not? Why didn't you tell me? Why?"

"I'm the only reaper I know who remembers their past, I thought it best if it stayed that way." The management officer shrugged. "I never felt like telling anyone before now."

"I don't... I don't understand." Grell looked thoughtful for a while. "If we were Friends then why do you hate me?"

"If I had been even ten percent braver, I could have convinced you not to jump. If I had just thought you might have lived the life you deserved. If you kill someone it stays with you forever, and now I owe you your entire life." William placed both hands on the table as he stood up, his hands curling into fists as for the first time in years a tear escaped his fluorescent green eye. "Every reaper is here as a punishment until they are forgiven for the crimes they committed, but you are here because of me and me alone. It doesn't matter how annoying or disruptive you are, you never deserved this, and so I shall keep working until the day you are forgiven, only then will I be satisfied. And until then the least I can do is keep out of your life." He walked towards the door taking one last look at the redhead and laughing. "Don't worry though Mr. Sutcliff, Knox told me that in the morning all you'll have to remember tonight by is one hell of a hangover. Try not to lose any sleep over it."

"Will... I-"

"Happy one hundredth death day, Grell,"

{btw, are these chapters too short?}

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