Truth or Dare ;)

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Ever just sat down with a whole group of people, looked across the room, and wondered: WHY THE HELL DID I CHOOSE TO COME HERE?! Well that was exactly what William T Spears found was going through his head at 7pm on a rainy Friday night as he walked into the living room of his ginger haired coworker. Of course he didn't think it quite like that, he thought it in a more polite and appropriate manner for a head of dispatch. But basically that was all he could think. It was a nice enough room, pale walls, blue curtains and nice oak furniture. It even reminded Will of his own home a little. Except of course the junk. Piles of old magazines all over the place, odd socks strewn across the room and unidentifiable stains on everything. In fact some were identifiable and Will found himself greatly wishing that they weren't.

Well, he thought to himself, at least I might get to see Grell, who I of course definitely don't like and have absolutely nothing to want to see about! He sighed, it was completely and utterly hopeless. He might as well just give up and disappear into the floor already. It really couldn't be possible that he did love the red haired reaper? Could it?

The attendees began to arrive, Knox was already there (it being his house and all), he was followed by Humphries and Slingby who seemed incapable of getting their hands off each other, some kid from lower down the system who obviously always handed his paper work in on time since Will didn't have a clue who he was. And naturally with it being Knox's place there were a bunch of girls from General Affairs who just seemed to giggle at everything anyone said and did little else worth noting. And then, there was Grell.

"Ahh! Will Darling!" The redhead squealed running towards him. He dodged the inevitable attempt at an embrace before sitting back down on the sofa. Grell sat next to him and squirmed and giggled like a mad man (well a crazy fangirl really) and blushed like crazy every time William looked at him.

"Alright there boss?" Their ginger haired host asked perching nearby, smirking at Will as he said it. Reiterating his thoughts from earlier: why the hell was he here?! He was going to have to deal with Ronald and Grell, not fair!

"Absolutely fine Knox." He replied adjusting his glasses and causing Grell to go into fits again as if lifting a single finger would send the redhead crazy.

"I can tell." Ronald laughed. His superior glared at him and somehow managed to threaten enough overtime to make Ron shut up without saying another word.

"Hey Ronnie..." one of the girls drooled, "let's do something fun already!"

"Yeah, dares maybe. You could dare me to kiss you." Another one flirted twisting her hair in her fingers. Honestly it made William feel a little sick that this was how his subordinates behaved when he wasn't usually naround.

"I refuse to do any dares," he muttered quietly.

"Alrighty then, Truth or Dare." Ronald laughed. "Slingby you're up first."

"Uhh, dare."

"Kiss Lucie here." Ronald commanded giving him a sideways glance. Alan frowned and looked incredibly upset as Eric kissed the girl on the cheek starting an evening of reapers desperately trying to annoy each other however they could, and force each other to say things that should really have been left unsaid. Stupid in the opinion of anyone sensible and not completely drunk (i.e. Just William after about half an hour).

"Truth or dare Spears Senpai?" Alan asked nervously half way through the game, at least the brunette knew that he would be asked something sensible since poor Humphries really was terrified of him.

"Truth" he replied simply.

"Umm... what's your deepest secret?" Will froze.

"When I first became a reaper I joined the dance club." He lied.

"Will Darling!" Grell protested. Their eyes met and Grell stopped talking instantaneously before smiling reassuringly, somehow stirring something inside of the dark haired reaper. It was another one of those strange moments where he realised just how honest Grell could be.

"Truth or dare Knox," Will asked quietly as the others laughed and discussed what he must have looked like in a pink tutu. Eventually it reached Grell after daring a girl to ductape her hand to Ronald's thigh and having Alan dress like a princess for half an hour. Will was sort of dosing off in a corner when he heard his name and looked up trying to act as if he had been engaging in the conversation. He hadn't.

"Well?" Ronald asked smiling like an idiot. Never a good sign considering Ronald's flirtatious and rather nosy nature.

"Grell asked you a question," he stated. After a few more confused looks were exchanged and the whole group had laughed at his cluelessness they finally told him what the question had been.

"No," was his reply.

"B-but Will!" Grell looked so pained by it Will almost felt like taking him into his arms just to comfort him. Disregarding the obscene thought which he definitely had not just thought, he continued,

"Sutcliff, I'm sorry. I or anyone else could and should only love you as you are." He explained. N-not t-that he did l-love Grell. At all. Nope. Platonic love maybe. "Anyone who would love you more if you were more feminine is worth as much of your time as this silly game is worth mine." He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"Grell, I want to ask you something" he said taking a deep breath and leaving a tension across the room. He could still see it clearly, Eric and Alan sitting on top of one another waiting patiently. Knox on the edge of his seat expecting some great romantic reveal whilst the girls hanging off him tried for his clearly diverted attention.

"Truth or dare?" He asked allowing a small smile to escape his lips.

"Really Senpai?" Ron asked frowning at him, "that's the best you can do?!"

"Dare." The redhead said looking rather disheartened and a heaviness fell on William.

"I dare you to punch Ronald in the face." He said. Ronald stopped smirking.

"A R E Y O U K I D D I N G !" Ronald yelled. William laughed.

"Do you know how hard he can punch?!" The Ginger protested. To deaf ears.

"Karma Knox."

"C'mon Senpai, how about we end the game here for the nig-" the fist touched his face and he stumbled backward. "Huh," he commented. "That wasn't so bad. Maybe we should end here though." He took the hand of one of the ladies near him and lead her upstairs as the others tried to find a somewhat comfortable surface of the house to sleep on. Soon the only ones left in the living room (which was somehow more messy than when William got there) were himself and Grell. He considered leaving to go home since he was rather tired of the whole affair, but one look into Grell's emerald green eyes and he knew he couldn't. He sighed,

"I have dibs on the sofa that Lucie didn't throw up on." He said quietly before turning over to fall asleep. Something told him it would be a long night...

Forgiveness: Grelliam Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें