Oh Grell...

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The next day all was just as Ronald had said, back to normal. Ok, so yes Grell had been a little less flirtatious than usual, but had also been complaining of a thumping headache all day so that was more than enough of a plausible explanation. In fact William was quite enjoying the peace and quiet. Or so he thought. Realistically he knew that he had been utterly distracted all day, not that he really thought Sutcliff knew anything. There was no way he could. He still had his murder plan if it all went wrong, the thought alone lightening the mood. Honestly the fact that after so long collecting the souls of the dead he could still joke so casually about murder surprised him.

Everything was good, Grell knew nothing and now he didn't have to worry about it for a whole other year. He couldn't possibly know if Knox had been telling the truth... on second thoughts best not dwell on the trustworthyness of a drunk Ronald Knox. He just felt... strange. Damn that Sutcliff, why couldn't he just get a break from him? He flipped through the reapings for the day and suddenly paused, crumpling the corner of the page a little. Great. To top off his day Grell was going to get a chance to visit his stupid demon love. If there was one thing William really hated, it was seeing Grell, HIS Grell with that- wait! What?! That thought did NOT cross through his head. That did NOT happen. He was not HIS Grell, he was just stressed and tired. Maybe he should take a break...no, paperwork first. Death, this day was never going to end!

Meanwhile, "So?" Ronald asked seeming rather annoyed, reasonably so considering a certain red headed reaper had been mumbling and stumbling over his words for nearly half an hour.

"Umm, I, umm-" the redhead glanced at the floor.

"Oh for deaths sake senpai!" Ronald snapped, "spill it!"

"Argghh fine!" He sighed. "You know when I was drunk," Ronald shot him a look as if to say 'specifically when?'. Honestly Grell had lost count of the number of times he had gotten drunk in his life long ago. "All the times, and weeelllllll, I always pretended that I couldn't remember what happened, but truth is I kind of did..."

"Wait! So that time when Elena broke up with me...Grell!"

"I'm sorry!" The redhead defended. He flailed his arms in the air in mock surrender. "You were always so upset so I just thought if I said I forgot you'd feel better." Grell hid behind his hands in the logic that if he couldn't see Ronnie, Ronnie couldn't see him and therefore would exert his wrath on someone else. He was wrong, but Ronald didn't really have much wrath to exert on anyone. In fact his face was filled purely with pity.

"Oh senpai..." Ronald sighed. "Was that it then?"

"No," he looked up, "You know Will,"

"Yeah... he is our boss" Ronald let out a nervous laugh as ge anticipated what was coming next. He blinked slowly, suddenly remembering the recommendation he had given his boss at the party. "Oh shit, Grell what did he tell you?!"

"He remembers his past life," Ronalds eyes doubled in size. He frantically tried to remind himself that whatever came of this was not his fault. He didn't know, and he couldn't have known. He looked at Grell who continued speaking, "and it turns out I committed suicide 'cause of him."

"Wait!" Oh Death! This was soooooo all Ronald's fault. No! Yes! Oh Death!

"Stop saying bloody wait after everything I say!" Grell snapped at him.

"Sorry, but are you serious?!" Ronald actually looked quite concerned for Grell now instead of panicked about his own well being. Grell nodded.

"I still love him though," Grell sighed quietly. "Despite the fact he never told me. I guess it all makes sense like that, I loved him then and I love him now." He sighed again more deeply in the way that love struck film characters often do. Ronald felt his heart go out to him. He was one of the few people who understood that Grell's crush was so much more than just a crush.

"Oh Grell," the ginger patted him gently on the shoulder.

"No need to worry Darling!" Grell beamed, the falseness of it clear to anyone who knew him well. "After all, I have a meeting with Bassy today! Bye-a!" He waved happily and jumped out a window. A window of a three story building. Lucky he's a Grim Reaper.

"Oh Grell,"

He was holding him, red hair tangled through his fingers as he pressed two bodies closer together. Lipgloss smeared across his face and his lips were swollen. They had been making out for what seemed like an endless time. And the longer he kissed the red reaper the more addictive it got. Whispered I love you's escaped their lips and as William pushed him down onto the couch a laugh escaped his lips. The free kind of laugh that indicated a burden lifted from ones shoulders. In that world all that mattered was Grell. His taste, his touch, his existence. It was Bliss. As manicured hands ran along his torso he felt like he was floating. He held Grell's face between his hands.

"Grell..." And kissed him. Then a pain ripped through his chest that threatened to destroy him.

​​​​​When Williams eyes snapped open at first he was disappointed. It had been the first nightmare free dream he had had in a century. It had been beautiful and free and everything had been utterly perfect. Then he realised exactly what he had dreamed and recoiled away from himself. What the hell kinda messed up dream WAS that?! Him?! And Sutcliff?!! No no no no no WAY! That had not happened. Not in any universe, not by any stretch of the imagination. It was just some strange dream right?! It was just all the drama that was going on and his wish that he had someone who could understand him manifesting itself in a peculiar way. The more he thought about it, the more the details of the dream slipped from memory. He felt so alone... He shook his head deciding to take a break. Heading off towards the staff room. What he really needed now was a nice black coffee and a biscuit, that followed by some paperwork seemed like a perfect way to forget everything and get a grip with his life and move on. Alternatively though, he could go beat the crap out of Grell's demon crush and lift his spirits that way. Yes that sounded like a much better idea.

William set off for the Phantomhive manor mere moments later but him and Grell never met there, in fact before he reached the manor William got rather distracted by a certain cliff he passed by. A small detour couldn't hurt, right? He sat at the bottom of a tree near the edge of it, which had doubled in size since he was alive, and stared over into the abyss. Maybe, one day the world would be stress free. Maybe he could finally stop working. This close to death it felt almost like a possibility. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Oh Grell, what am I gonna do about you,"

[have a smiley face :) ~ Ναυμαχια]

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